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Hart's Legal Theory and Taiwan's Challenges in Implementing Human Rights Law
作者 林超駿
Taiwan, the Republic of China, adopted a constitutional bill of rights almost sixty years ago, but for the first forty years this bill of rights was just a piece of paper. Further, after achieving the initial success, the process to enforce the function of human rights in Taiwan is still a laborious and time-consuming one. This paper employs probably the most prominent debate in the modern Anglo-American jurisprudence, including various discourses between H.L.A. Hart and his opponents as well as supporters, to illustrate the essential characteristics of Taiwan's challenges in carrying out the idea and the spirit of human rights. Besides, since Taiwan's experience in implementing human rights has its own defined features, it can be used to evaluate both the advantages and disadvantages of the points made out by Hart and other scholars, particularly Ronald Dworkin, Joseph Raz and Julues Coleman. This essay will, therefore, also show Taiwan's unique experience in enforcing human rights could provide some new perspectives on the famous debates between Hart and others, endorsing, challenging, and revising some parts of Hart's legal theories.
起訖頁 143-145; 147-189
關鍵詞 H.L.A. HartRonald DworkinJoseph RazJules Colemanlegal positivismlegal transplanthuman rightsrules of recognitionsocial rules theorythe Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuanconstitutional interpretation哈特朗諾‧德沃金喬瑟夫‧拉茲居勒斯‧科勒曼法律實證主義法律移植人權承認規則社會規則理論司法院大法官憲法解釋
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 200601 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Taiwan




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