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Research on Law and Policy of Certain Non-Tariff Barriers of the Cross-Strait Blake
作者 王震宇 (Chen-Yu Wang)
非關稅貿易障礙是近年來國際經貿談判中越來越重要的課題,烏拉圭回合後世界貿易組織會員簽訂了技術性貿易障礙協定(TBT)及食品安全與動植物防疫檢疫協定(SPS)等二項與非關稅貿易障礙有關之重要協定,TBT 及SPS 二項協定均允許進口國基於對人體與動植物安全等特殊考量,而對進口產品之技術標準、檢驗、檢疫或防疫措施設下必要之內地規範,只要此類內地規範不違反非歧視原則、不造成不必要之貿易障礙、以及達成一定程度之透明化。另外,TBT 及SPS 定之宗旨係在調和WTO 會員間有關技術標準檢驗、防疫檢疫措施等,並使各會員所制定之內地規範與國際標準接軌,不致於成為新的貿易障礙,或阻礙貿易自由化。本文係以兩岸之非關稅貿易障礙法令與政策為研析方向,範圍聚焦於TBT 及SPS 之相關規範,尤其在兩岸交流日趨頻繁下,TBT 與SPS 之相關標準不一,實有深入研究彼此經貿管制法規之必要。本研究將針對兩岸TBT 及SPS 相關規定與案例進行分析比較,探討之法律議題如下: 兩岸TBT 及SPS 之法令與政策制度為何?是否存在落差?主管機關與行政程序有何差異?近年兩岸四地與TBT 及SPS 有關之重大事件衍生之問題為何? 兩岸分別對外簽署之自由貿易協定(FTA)中,關於TBT 及SPS 條款之設計與安排為何?有何規範重點?是否可以適用於「彼此」間之貨品貿易協議? 兩岸未來洽簽貨物貿易協議時,有關TBT 及SPS 條文意涵、我方之談判立場與重點為何?
Non-Tariff barriers (NTBs) becomes more and more critical under international trade negotiation. World Trade Organization (WTO) adopted Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) related to NTBs during Uruguay negotiation round. Both TBT and SPS allow import countries to establish necessary domestic technical standard, inspection, sanitary and phytosanitary measures based on special concerns for human, animal, and plant security, only if the above measures would not violate the principle of non-discrimination, not cause unnecessary trade barriers, or at least fulfill certain degree of transparency. Besides, the objects of TBT and SPS Agreements aim at harmonizing WTO member’s technical standards, inspection, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and help them to adjust domestic regulation into international standards, in order not to become a new trade barrier or obstacle to trade liberalization. This article discusses the laws and policies of NTBs under the Cross-Strait and focuses on TBT and SPS regulations. This article also compares and analyzes the following legal issues: (1)What are the differences of laws and policies of NTBs between the territories of the Cross- Strait? Is there any loop? What are the competent authorities and administrative procedures under each territory? What are the emergent events related to TBT and SPS? (2)Under FTAs of each territory, how did the governments arrange and design TBT and SPS chapters? What are the core negotiation issues? (3)How would Mainland China and Taiwan design TBT and SPS chapters under future ECFA Trade in Goods negotiation? What are the negotiation positions and core issues of TBT and SPS chapters? Based on above analysis, this article provides suggestions for core clauses of TBT and SPS chapters for future negotiation between the Cross-Strait.
起訖頁 1-53
關鍵詞 非關稅貿易障礙技術性貿易障礙食品衛生檢驗與動植物防疫檢疫兩岸貨品貿易協議Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs)Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)
刊名 東吳法律學報  
期數 201607 (28:1期)
出版單位 東吳大學法學院
該期刊-下一篇 公平合理原則於金融消費評議制度所扮演之角色──以澳洲金融評議制度為核心




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