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A Refutation of the View that the Commentaries on the Book of Changes Are a Taoist Theory of Change
作者 顏國明
The Commentaries on the I Ching (Book of Changes) have been traditionally viewed as a Confucian theory of i (change), but recently some scholars maintain that it is a Taoist theory of change. This essay aims to determine whether the Commentaries on I Ching is Confucian or is Taoist. Were they based primarily upon Taoist ideas? Or were they made up through the confusion of Confucian and some non-Confucian thoughts, taking the Confucian component of thought as the mainstream? We need to investigate whether or not it is true that 'the connection between the Commentaries on the I Ching and Confucianism is very meager.' This essay is divided into five parts. The first part examines the transmission of Taoist teaching on change; I try to find out if the so-called Taoist theory of change is quoting the Book of Changes or if it is interpreting it, and what are the entailments in the teaching in either case. If Taoist and Confucian thoughts are equally synthesized in this text, can it be labeled as the Taoist I? In the second part, I inquire into questions such as: Does the dialectical method of thought belong to Lao-tzu alone? Does the construction and arrangement of hexagrams of the I Ching include some kind of dialectical thinking? If yes, do this dialectical tradition inherited by the Commentaries on the I Ching and that of Lao-tzu belong to the s ame type? And, does inferring human affairs from t'ien-tao (the way of heaven) also belong to the Taoist tradition alone? Then, I move on to examine the systematicity of the i-theory. There must be some system and coherence in the ideas of i, otherwise they cannot become a theory or school of thought. A systematic inquiry into the problem shows us that a recognizable Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu and Huang-Lao orientation towards a Taoist theory of change existed, but perhaps only as a virtual world. Lastly, A Refutation of the View that the Commentaries on the Book of Changes Are a Taoist Theory of Change YEN Kuo-ming from several methodological standpoints, I question the appropriateness of taking the Commentaries on the I as a Taoist theory, the presuppositions on which such an approach is based, and the processes of inference involved.
起訖頁 171-215
關鍵詞 儒家《易》學道家《易》學辯證思維推天道以明人事Confucian theory of changeTaoist theory of changedialectical thoughtinferring human affairs from t'ien-tao
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200209 (21期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 儒佛會通與純粹力動理念的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 陳搏的內丹學與象數學——「後天象數」與「先天超象數」的統合




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