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A Re-reading of “Tu the Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger”
作者 周建渝
The parallel narratives of the “getting out of the brothel” and “plunging into the river” form the external structure of this story, while the corresponding relations of the two main characters, with their different social and moral status, constitute its internal structure. The story, however, puts more emphasis on the differences in the characters’ moral quality rather than their social class, thus revealing effectively the main theme of the story. The jewel box represents not only the wealth of Tu the Tenth, but also Tu the Tenth herself; as it refers to Tu the Tenth's will to die rather than to accept change. Although different in its conclusion, the story “Yu-t'ang Ch'un in Misery Meets Her Lover,” shares a common assumption with “Tu the Tenth”. Yu-t'ang Ch'un rescues herself by helping Master Wang to return to the orthodox path of the civil service examinations. Tu the Tenth, however, destroys herself by taking Master Li away from the civil service examination. In other words, the happy ending of Yu-t'ang Ch'un and Master Wang's story confirms the traditional values of Chinese literati from a positive perspective, while the tragic ending of Tu the Tenth and Master Li strengthens the same value from a negative point of view. In any event, Tu the Tenth or Yu-t'ang Ch'un, as women, both have to be rescued by the male characters. The power-difference between Tu the Tenth and Master Li, based on their gender, is presented as a contrast between their appearance and essence. Master Li's apparent strength covers his real weakness and vice versa, and this makes the design of characters ironical. However, very importantly, the tragic ending of Tu the tenth evokes a culture centered on male chauvinism.
起訖頁 117-138
關鍵詞 杜十娘《警世通言》三言馮夢龍玉堂春中國短篇小說Tu the TenthCommon Words to Warn the WorldThree WordsFeng Meng-lungYu-t'ang Ch'unChinese vernacular story
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200103 (18期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論辛棄疾的文學思想與審美情趣
該期刊-下一篇 明末清初才子佳人劇之言情內涵及其所引生之審美構思




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