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Yao Chi-heng and Ku Chieh-kang
作者 林慶彰
Yao Chi-heng (1647-?) was one of the classical scholars of the early Ch'ing who best exemplified the spirit of “doubting antiquity.” Ku Chieh-kang (1893-1980) was a great master of critical studies of antiquity, during the time of the Republic. These two men lived more than 200 years apart from one another; nevertheless, they are discussed together in order to show that Ku Chieh-kang's suspicions of antiquity were influenced by such people as Cheng Ch'iao, Yao Chi-heng, Ts'ui Shu, and others. This essay basically aims to discuss the accomplishments of Yao Chi-heng, under-appreciated from Ch'ing times onwards. Moreover, it discusses how Ku Chieh-kang collected and organized the works of Yao Chi-heng; it further explores Ku's appraisal of Yao's attributions of unauthentic texts and his exegeses of the Classic of Poetry. Finally, this essay discusses Yao Chi-heng's and Ku Chieh-kang's influence, by focusing on the impetus they provided to the appearance of the critical spirit of the tradition doubters, the stimulus they gave to research into the Meng Chiang-nu story, and their creation of a new way of research into the Classic of Poetry.
起訖頁 431-458
關鍵詞 姚際恆顧頡剛詩經學辨偽學Yao Chi-hengKu Chieh-kang
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199909 (15期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 莊子、重玄與相天——王船山宗教信仰述論




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