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A Paleographic Analysis of “Nan” and Its Significance in Interpreting the Rationale for the Divisions of the Sections of Shih ching
作者 陳致
The rationale for the divisions of the sections of Shih ching, conventionally assumed as subject matter, has long perplexed modern scholars. This paper, attempting an approach interweaving historical records with some archaemusicological data and paleographic analysis, seeks to find the origins of the designations of these divisions. I propose a new reading of the character “nan,” as used in the first two subsections of the “Feng” section of Shih ching. First, I explain this character, judging from its form and appearance in inscriptional writings, and from its denotation in early lexical works, as a pictorial representation of a bamboo section. This was an early way of making a water or wine container. I will seek to interpret the character's core meanings and links with extended uses, in early epigraphic and documentary texts. This new perspective about the meaning of “nan” will suggest that it was initially the name of a musical instrument. It refers to the bronze bells prevalent in southern China during the late Shang and early Chou times. Bells called po-chung and kou-tiao were representative of this type. Building on modern studies of early Chinese musical history, especially on works by modern archaeologists and musicologists, I hypothesize that the designation of the “Nan” sections of Shih ching was initially derived from the name of a musical style which originated from these bronze bells. Finally, a reexamination of the designations of other parts of Shih ching, “Ya,” “Sung” and “Feng,” suggests that the musical style theory, as posited by Sung dynasty scholars, is a tenable method of explaining these designations. I will further propose that these different musical styles were in turn derived from their accompanying instruments: namely nan, po bells and kou-tiao bells prevalent in southern China along the Chiang River valley; feng wind instruments; ya, the yung-chung bell, a mallet-struck bell with a shank atop of it, prevalent in the central Chou domain during the Western Chou times; sung, or yung, an earlier bell type restricted to the use of the Shang nobility. In designating the poems of Shih ching, the compiler or the editor seems to have differentiated poems of different styles according to their accompanying musical instruments, with different geographical origins.
起訖頁 355-402
關鍵詞 《詩經》音樂考古字源學樂鐘Shih chingBook of Odes archaemusicologyetymologybells
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199803 (12期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 朱熹《詩序辨說》述義




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