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An Unsettled Historical Case: Hsi-yuan Ya-chi (Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden)
作者 衣若芬
Hsi-yuan Ya-chi is believed to be a famous gathering of some literati at Hsi-yuan (the Western Garden) in the Northern Sung. According to Mi Fu's essay “Hsi-yuan Ya-chi t'u chi,” which was written for the painting “Hsi-yuan Ya-chi T'u” by Li Kung-lin, there were fifteen poets and artists assembling in the Western Garden owned by Wang Shen, amusing themselves with poetry, painting, music, and Ch'an discussion. However, no other record related to this gathering in the Northern Sung has been found--even Mi Fu's essay itself was not mentioned until the Ming dynasty. Since the Southern Sung, there have been different versions concerning the exact time, place, and participants of the gathering. The question of the authenticity of the gathering, therefore, needs to be left in doubt. While the present paper starts with a discussion of different opinions on this event, it aims to avoid unproductive arguments about its ultimate authenticity and rather to explore its historical significance and the construction of cultural meanings associated with it. I would argue that the final version of the essay attributed to Mi Fu was not completed until the Ming. On the other hand, it is still possible that there was a gathering of famous literati taking place in the Yuan-yu period of the Northern Sung. Whether they used the term “Hsi-yuan Ya-chi,” however, is uncertain. The term Hsi-yuan originated from the literary circle which was given important impetus from the Ts'ao family in the third century Wei dynasty. Later this name influenced literary people, who formed an ideal picture of the “Hsi-yuan Ya-chi” meanwhile, this theme gave rise to paintings and documents, as well as attempts to recreate the event. From these phenomena, we know that the literary people met in sylvan parks; they were relaxed occasions for gathering with like-minded connoisseurs of poetry, calligraphy, and painting. The theme and atmosphere carried connotations of freedom to participate or withdraw from official service, and this was one reason that such meetings continued to be organized over many generations. For this reason, this study helps us to understand the interaction of culture, governance, and society in traditional China.
起訖頁 221-268
關鍵詞 西園雅集西園雅集圖米芾李公麟蘇軾王珗Hsi-yuan Ya-chi (Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden)Hsi-yuan Ya-chi T'u (Painting of “Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden”)Mi FuLi Kung-linSu ShihWang Shen
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199703 (10期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 傳統的背叛和詩美的創新——淺論中晚唐險怪詩風的流變及其美學價值
該期刊-下一篇 吳康齋的生活與學術




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