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Lyricism and Characterization in Ming-Qing Chuanqi Drama
作者 王璦玲
The literary characteristics of Chinese drama are formed within the traditions of lyricism and narrative. Inheriting lyrical skills from Chinese classical shi and ci poetry, the Ming-Qing dramatists, on the one hand, created “poeticized” dramatic situations wherein “scene and feelings blend together” to fully elaborate the expressiveness of Chinese drama. On the other hand, they built up their new dramatized expressive modes by intensifying the sense of plot and structure. While the narrative part becomes the central motif of a composition, a new factor of the narrative structure is introduced, which is the “story interest.” However, the lyricism in Chinese drama is different from that of Chinese shi and ci poetry. The dramatic verse is not simply direct expression of the playwrights’ inner feelings, rather, by way of dramatic performances, the presentation or embodiment of the characters’ “externalized” feelings. Owing to the Ming literati's participation in the writing of classical Chinese drama, and their gradual realization of the concepts of “structural design” and “thematic consciousness,” Ming-Qing chuanqi drama started to require a kind of unified “literary presentation,” which increased the literati's imaginary and creative space. Following this great interest in dramatic theme and plot, the Ming playwrights and dramatic critics naturally paid more attention to characterization and the analysis of dramatic characters--the subjects of actions in a play, than their precursors in the Yuan dynasty. This paper attempts to take the play-writing, the stage performance and the performing art as its objects, to analyze the significance of characterization in dramatic presentation. I have demonstrated the methods of lyrical expression and the constructional bases of Chinese lyricism. I have also explored the artistic designs of “lyric intensification” and the “dramatization of lyricism” enhanced by characterization in Chinese drama. Finally, I have discussed the foci and significance of the chuanshen and xiaoqing ideas in Chinese dramatic criticism.
起訖頁 233-323
關鍵詞 戲劇理論戲劇美學明清傳奇抒情性人物刻畫戲劇性 drama theoryMing-Qing dramalyricismpoetic dramacharacterizationtypificationindividualization
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199609 (9期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 性別與戲曲批評——試論明清婦女之劇評特色




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