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On the Yen-tz’u of Liu Yung
作者 劉少雄
Critics of Liu Yung, while lauding highly his tz'u poems that describe the lives of stranded travelers and their journeys, have held a negative view toward his other works that describe feminine charms and amorous feelings. I, however, have engaged here a re-examination and re-evaluation of this latter cluster of Liu's tz'u poems, the so-called yen-tz'u (erotic poems). Instead of treating Liu Yung's erotic poems as a whole, I divide them into two categories, “scenes of objective description” and “sentiments embodied in subjective characterization.” In addition, I avoid evaluating these poems in terms of conventional moral norms or of traditional debates between the refined and the vulgar, as others have done before. Rather, I elucidate the value of Liu Yung's erotic poems according to his method of expression. To be more specific, this essay helps to illuminate Liu Yung's erotic poems through two discussions. The major one analyzes both the contents and ways of expression in those tz'u poems. It explicates not only Liu Yung's technique of both elaborate and plain sketches (pai-miao), but also the strengths and weaknesses of the way he wrote. In short, whereas Liu Yung presented vivid descriptions of a woman's countenance, body features, or various kinds of manner, his composition of amorous scenes easily degenerated into barren and coarse language. The second discussion, as a complement to the first one, looks into the literary background of Liu Yung for a better view of his motives for writing and his literary achievements. This exploration shows that Liu Yung had moved a great step forward with his erotic poems. He initiated a language and depicted more and deeper sentiments in the tz'u poetry. Further, with such emotional realism, Liu Yung wrote in a direct and natural manner, which departs from the oblique and poetic approach found in the Short Tunes (ling-tz'u) of the earlier Hua-chien school. Thus, he not only provided a novel perspective in literary creation, but also made a tremendous impact on traditional aesthetics.
起訖頁 163-191
關鍵詞 柳永豔詞《花間集》白描雅俗之辨情感寫實Liu Yungyen-tz'u (erotic poems)Hua-chien chiplain sketch (pai-miao)the debates between the refined and the vulgaremotional realism
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199609 (9期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論中國古典詩歌律化過程的概念背景
該期刊-下一篇 性別與戲曲批評——試論明清婦女之劇評特色




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