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On the Death of Qu Yuan
作者 黃靈庚
Beginning with analysis of the erroneous views of Qu Yuan's inherent moral integrity, this paper first points out that his previous dual elements of uprightness and unjustness in character are his personal defects as well as the reason of his internal conflicts in character and final drowning and suicide. Applying theories of anthropology and folk customs of the Chu People, it then analyses the process of Qu Yuan following Peng Xian's philosophy of death and finds this not only shows his upright and sensible minds but also has primitive and perceptual reasoning, which is to consider death as return of life or return to the homeland of his ancestor the King Gao Yang. And then by explaining the meaning of death involved in the myth of three rise-ups in the book “Li Shao”. it proves that these are nothing but three mysterious experiences of death of Qu Yuan. This certifies also the phoenix in Qu's poems has the folk significance of leading dead souls return to its origin. The paper finally gives a new explanation to the implication of the process of ‘seeking woman’ in “Li Shao”. ‘Seeking woman’ here means following the goddess and ancestor of the Chu People. Coupled with the excessive sacrificial rites of the Chu State, the love nature of ‘seeking woman’ for three times is considered only to reflect the custom and ritual of the Chu People for the return of life.
起訖頁 25-53
關鍵詞 內美彭咸上征求女Inherent moral integrityPeng XianRise-upsSeeking woman
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199603 (8期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 姚際恆對朱子《詩集傳》的批評
該期刊-下一篇 編修年譜要實事求是——評林子青《弘一大師新譜》




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