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An interpretation of the Poems “Pi ch’i chih tzu” and “Yu yen chia K’e”
作者 龍宇純
去年暑假期間,出乎意料之外,接到執教於國立臺灣師範大學國文系季旭昇博士來函,附近作〈說弘〉、〈詩經王風篇「采葛」新解〉、〈從其國銅器談詩經「彼其之子」的新解〉,及〈詩經小雅白駒篇「於焉嘉客」新解〉四文,希望聽聽我的意見。宇純不學,自揆沒有足夠評析學術論文的實力;因博士與我素不相識,竟自來書致意,問道於盲,其謙沖誠摯的態度,令人無法不暫時忘其譾陋,冀能有所回報。於是窮一日之力,詳細拜讀了四篇大作。深深覺得博士治學認真,蒐集資料不遺餘力,而又分析力敏銳,多所創新,無限欽佩!其中〈「采葛」新探〉,說「彼采葛兮」句,與「彼狡童兮」、「彼美人兮」為類,以采為葛的狀詞,不同「采蘋」、「采薇」以蘋、薇為采的受語,於是詩意豐富生動,是真「發千載之覆」,無懈可擊。其餘三篇,則拙見略有不同;當即奉書簡約相告,博士電話中表示,有些地方確實不曾想到,其意似可供作參考,頓時有如釋重負之感。本學年於東海中文研究所講授 「古籍訓解討論」課程,曾以博士〈彼其之子〉及〈於焉嘉客〉二文提供諸生研討,自己也有較深一層認識,因《中國文哲研究集刊》約稿,試寫出以求方家之斧正。
This essay examines Chi Hsu-sheng's new annotations of the poems “Pi ch'i chih tzu”(彼其之子)and “Yu yen chia k'e”(於焉嘉客),and discusses the meaning of the words “ch'i” (其)and “chia k'e” (嘉客).The author does not agree with Chi Hsu-sheng that “ch'i” (其)is the same as the family name “Chi”(己), but adopts instead Lin Ch'ing-chang's view that “ch'i” is the same as the name “Chi” (姬). In writing “chi” as “ch'i” the poet intentionally uses words with the same sound so as to mock people with the family name “chi”. The author also disagrees slightly with Lin Ch'ing-chang's views regarding phonetic loan characters in these poems. Next, the author disagrees with Mr. Chi's view that “chia k'e” (嘉客)is a transformation of “chia-ya”(迦牙). Instead, the author believes that the character “k'e” comes from the Shuowen's original meaning for the character “chi”(寄), and that the character “chia” is also used to express the character “chi”(寄). Thus, the meaning of these two characters is the same, and “yu yen chia k'e”(於焉嘉客) is just like “yu yen chi yu”(於焉寄寓).
起訖頁 153-171
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199303 (3期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 莊子與禪
該期刊-下一篇 王僧虔〈誡子書〉與南朝清談考辨




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