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The Hermeneutics and History of the Terms Ning-wang, Ning-wu, Ning-K'ao, Ch'ien ning-jen, Ning-jen, and Ch'ien wen-jen in the Shang shu)尚書, Book of Documents)
作者 程元敏
《尚書》「寧王、寧武、寧考、前寧人、寧人」寧,舊解(王莽〈大誥〉至清光緒九年前)曰「安」。準此「安」義,於是謂寧王為安天下之王--或謂為周文王,或謂為周武王,或謂兼指文武二王;謂寧武為「安武事」,或謂指文王,又或謂指武王;或謂寧考為「寧祖文王,聖考武王」、合指兩王,或謂祇指武王;前寧人與寧人,或謂為「祖宗安人」指文王,或謂乃指文武之臣,亦有取文侯之命篇或詩江漢「前文人」證彼義同此皆言「祖先」者。而絕無明判諸「寧」字為「文」字之形誤者,有之則自清吳大澂光緒間撰《說文古籀補》與《字說》始。吳氏取彝銘「文」字以證《尚書》「寧」為形誤,初謂戰國時已誤, 終定為漢儒誤釋。後人絕多深信不疑,惟吳汝綸、闓生父子稍異其說,章炳麟、西人高本漢以為「寧」、「文」形體尚不致相淆。於是此一解經大公案,不得不因反控而再鞫。余一面剋就二吳、章、高之所質難,逐一釋覆,並廣采古文字形,以充實吳說;一面博考周文武事跡,證「寧王」等非文王莫屬--前人討論此一問題,絕未及此。既而又會觀〈君奭〉前後文,復校以《禮•緇衣》引書,證「寧王」寧乃傳寫誤字。
The character ning 寧 in ning-wang 寧王, ning-wu 寧武, ning-k'ao 寧考, ch'ien ning-jen 前寧人, ning-jen 寧人, and ch'ien wen-jen 前文人 from the Book of Documents was interpreted as an 安(calm, stability) by scholars from the Han to the Sung Dynasty. According to them ning-wang means “a king who brings peace and stability to the world,” but in my opinion this definition is not acceptable. During the Ch'ing Dynasty Wu Ta-ch'eng 吳大澂 discovered that the character wen 文 had been mistaken for ning, and he convinced later generations. But later Chang Ping-lin 章炳麟 and the Swedish scholar Bernhard Karlgren argued that in terms of character form wen and ning were very unlikely to have been mistaken for each other, and thus another controversy began. In my article I examine the Classics together with their exegeses, history books, philosophy books, bronze inscriptions, and recent articles and prove that it was believed that King Wen 文王 had become the founder of the Chou Dynasty due to his merits as a ruler. The Book of Documents is filled with such praises of him. At the end of this article I conclude that ning-wang is without doubt the mistaken form of wen-wang.
起訖頁 199-249
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199203 (2期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 溫飛卿〈菩薩蠻〉詞張惠言說試疏
該期刊-下一篇 唐傳奇〈孫恪〉故事背景探微




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