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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Applications and Comments of School Network Governance |
作者 |
蔡進雄 (Chin-Hsiung Tsai) |
中文摘要 |
隨著時代潮流及社會環境變遷,學校經營模式宜有所調整及轉移,網絡治理(network governance) 的概念正可以提供學校經營之新思維及新典範。基本上 ,學校經營亦 兼具科層、市場及網絡之特徵,而其中網絡治理是教育行政及學校經營過去較少被論述 的議題,但卻是二十一世紀學校經營的新典範,故值得深入分析及探究。 由於眾多公立學校亦是屬於政府公部門的一環,校務經營發展過程如何與校內外不 同團體組織及利害關係人,建立合作網絡以治理學校是教育領導人必須重視的課題,職 此之故,網絡治理的概念不僅是當前公共政策的顯學,亦是教育行政與學校經營的關鍵 議題。質言之,學校經營之新典範是網絡典範,在網絡典範下強調的是整合內外資源, 共同為學校發展而努力,而非由上而下的強制作法,故學校領導者應該整合行政團體、 教師團隊、家長團體、社區人士及校友等利害關係人的力量,共同致力於校務發展。過 去關於學校公共關係的探討已經相當豐富,而網絡治理除了含有公共關係的精神內涵之 外,更強調與內外部相關人員或組織建立更為緊密的互動合作夥伴關係。 綜言之,網絡一詞被應用於不同學術領域,在社會學領域探討的是人際網絡,公共 政策領域則是探究政策網絡與政策制定的關係,網絡的概念不僅應用於社會學及公共政 策,也相當適用於學校經營,是以本文的目的在於探究網絡治理在學校經營的應用及啟 示,以供學校領導與管理之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
Network governance is the new trend of school management. Basically, school management includes bureaucracy model, market model and network model. However, network model will play an important role in school development in the future. In the past, we neglected to examine the applications of network governance in schools. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to explore the applications of network governance in schools. In order to make school better, school leader should establish the partnership between school and school stakeholders. The author argues that network governance will be the new paradigm of school leadership and management. Besides, the author argues that school leaders should integrate different groups to manage and develop schools. In short, the article is to provide some suggestions based on network governance for principals and educational administrators to improve school leadership and school effectiveness. |
起訖頁 |
001-016 |
關鍵詞 |
網絡、治理、網絡治理、network、governance、network governance |
刊名 |
教師專業研究期刊 |
期數 |
201606 (11期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
超越標準:邁向臺灣十二年國民基本教育的 課程改革下之教師專業成長 |