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A Study of Gender Bias on Chinese Literature Textbooks for Senior High School
作者 劉藍芳林信志 (Hsin-Chih Lin)楊國揚 (Kuo-Yang Yang)
In the process of teacher teaching and student learning in Taiwan, the influence of the textbooks is considerably important. Besides, textbooks are also considered a critical medium of gender ideology. Therefore reducing gender bias is a comprehensive and vital issue for improving textbooks. However, few researches focus on senior high textbooks related to gender bias in nearly twenty years. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the gender bias of senior high Chinese literature textbooks. Content Analysis is mainly employed in the study. In brief, the main findings of the study are as follows: (1) The gender stereotype of men and women’s activities remains a serious problem in textbooks. (2) The gender stereotype of men and women’s occupations remains a serious problem in textbooks. (3) The gender stereotype of men and women’s interactions or relationships remains a serious problem in textbooks. (4) The gender bias of women’s subordination to men remains a serious problem in textbooks. (5) The gender bias of women being depreciated or punished remains a serious problem in textbooks. (6) The gender bias of women’s contribution being hidden remains a serious problem in textbooks. (7) The gender bias of women being joked and mocked is a rare and slight problem in textbooks. (8) The gender bias in the modern Chinese literature texts is a more serious problem than in the ancient Chinese literature texts.
起訖頁 087-112
關鍵詞 高級中學教科書性別偏見國文senior high schooltextbookgender biasChinese literature
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201606 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 國民中小學學務主任對校長負向領導知覺與正負向互動情緒及校長滿意度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 探討國小女學生參加野外科學探究活動的科學自我效能




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