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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Design and Application of Integrated Environmental, Safety and Health Risk Assessment Tools - A Case Study for Research Institutes
作者 郭今玄吳佳蓉 (Chia-Jung Wu)陳俊瑜
由於研究機構使用的化學品量少,但種類多,作業流程設備、環境變化快速,因此作業活動對人員與設備造成的危害,潛藏著不知的風險及對環境造成的衝擊無法及時預估與防制。近年來環保與安全衛生管理系統之整合乃時勢所趨,而環境考量面與危害鑑別風險評估更是整合之重點。以研究機構之特性而言,如何選擇適當的評估技術以滿足環境考量面與安衛危害鑑別風險評估整合之目的乃為關鍵。本研究建立之環境與安衛風險評估工具採用工作安全分析(Job Safety Analysis, JSA)危害鑑別方式加上風險因子評估法應用在研究機構,並予電腦網路化,確實可以達到整合的效果,具體的成果如環境與安衛風險評估整合後提升了分析結果之完整性;以 JSA 危害鑑別方式加上風險因子評估法對研究機構進行評估,可有效地提升其分析效能及縮短分析時間;以 JSA 危害鑑別方式加上風險因子評估法進行研究機構之環境與安衛危害鑑別,可以有效地發現潛在危害風險;研究機構風險等級與嚴重性之分佈情形,其分佈呈現 Heinrich 的事故金字塔理論現象;本評估工具透過網路系統可提供相關環境考量面與安衛風險評估結果之查詢。本研究所發展之環境與安衛風險評估工具,除了可應用於研究機構外,亦可應用於中小企業之環境與安衛風險評估,而大型企業可將本系統之評估結果作為參考。
Characteristics of the working environment of research institutes such as the use of a large variety of chemicals in small quantities and frequently changing laboratory procedures, impose unknown risks for employees and the environment. The integration of environmental, safety, and health management is the latest trend worldwide with the aims of improving performance and efficiency. The keys to the success of management systems integration are working-environment characterization, hazard identification, and risk assessment. Thus, selection of the appropriate assessment techniques is critical. This paper combines Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and Risk Factor Evaluation (RFE) with on-line applications to facilitate environmental, safety, and health risk assessment at research institutes so as to achieve the ultimate goal of system integration. Comprehensive risk analyses of the environmental, safety, and health hazards of research institutes are conducted with the techniques developed in this study. The necessary software tools can be accessed easily through the Internet. The tools developed here can also be used by small and medium-sized enterprises for hazard identification and risk assessment.
起訖頁 229-241
關鍵詞 環境考量面危害鑑別風險評估Environment considerationHazard identificationRisk assessment
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200609 (14:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 混凝土樑裂縫之音洩特性探討
該期刊-下一篇 重體力工作之評估研究──以鏟沙與敲擊作業為例




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