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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Environmental Particle Monitoring and Respirator Filtration Efficiency Evaluation for Nanopowder Manufacturing Processes
作者 簡弘民黃俊超陳姿名陳光宇徐禮業陳聖遠
本研究針對小型量產的「直流電漿熱反應製造奈米粉體製程」與「微波電漿反應製造奈米粉體製程」進行奈米微粒之作業環境暴露評估,針對製程機台在停機與運轉的狀態下監測其奈米微粒之情況,發現運轉時兩製程環境奈米微粒平均數目濃度分別為 25255 ± 4705 與 22774 ± 3672 #/cm3 ,而停機時則分別為 14071 ± 995 與 9918 ± 1546 #/cm3 左右。同時也對「工研院環境奈米實驗室」與「大氣環境」的奈米微粒進行監測,其平均數目濃度分別為 11966 ± 2332 與 22756 ± 3642 #/cm3 。研究中亦針對市售口罩隨機採樣並進行防護效率的測試,測試結果為 R95、N95、P100 以及 Gas filter & P100 四種濾材對於奈米微粒的削減有很大的功效。以吸入體內之濃度來看,若使用 Gas Filter、Surgical Mask 及 Active Carbon Mask 這三種濾材,操作人員每分鐘仍可吸入總數高達 8 × 107 ~1.59 × 108 #/min 的微粒,如使用 R95、N95、P100 以及 Gas filter & P100 四種濾材,則吸入之總濃度則可下將至 5.09 × 106 ~1.15 × 107 #/min。針對這兩個製程之操作人員建議以 N95 或 R95 以上等級的拋棄式口罩作為個人防護具。
This research focused on the exposure evaluation of the working environment of two small-scale plasma nanopodwer manufacturing processes, the Direct-Current Plasma Nanopowder Process (the directcurrent process) and the Microwave Plasma Reaction Nanopowders Process (the microwave process). The average number concentration for the operating processes was 25255 ± 4705 and 22774 ± 3672 #/cm3 for the direct-current process and the microwave process, respectively. The average number concentration during shut-down periods was 14071 ± 995 and 9918 ± 1546#/cm3 for the direct-current process and the microwave process, respectively. At the same time, the average number concentration was 11966 ± 2332 and 22756 ± 3642 #/cm3 in the environment of the Environmental Nanotechnology Research Laboratory, ITRI and the ambient environment, respectively. This research also evaluated the particle filtration efficiencies of respirator materials randomly selected from different types. The protection efficiencies for particle exposure by using N95, R95, P100, Gas filter and P100 were quite high. An operator inhaled about 8.0 × 107~1.6 × 108 particles per minute, even when wearing a gas filter, surgical mask or active carbon mask. However, the total concentration of inhalations decreased to 5.1 × 106~1.2 × 107#/min, if the operator wore a N95, R95, P100 or Gas filter and P100. For these two processes, it is suggested that operators put on a disposal mask such as N95, R95 or higher grade to achieve better protection.
起訖頁 97-107
關鍵詞 電漿製程奈米微粒作業環境暴露評估Plasma manufacturing processNanoparticleWorking environmentExposure evaluation
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200606 (14:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 作業環境PAHs揮發性影響XAD微孔介質採樣吸附之研究
該期刊-下一篇 開放液面槽吹吸式氣罩的流場與逸散關係探討




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