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Guidance for the Synthetic Leather Industry, and Assessment of Improvement
作者 黃秀華黃奕孝吳振華李聯雄張振平石東生
根據勞工安全衛生研究所 88 年針對 8 家合成皮製造業之有害物暴露調查與對策技術資料(IOSH90-T-039)調查報告,合成皮製造業使用二甲基甲醯胺(N,N-Dimethyl formamide, DMF)的作業場所約有 61.4% 超過法令的容許濃度標準,可見合成皮業之作業勞工暴露 DMF 的嚴重性。本研究主要目的是落實法令及進行積極的檢查,協助合成皮之事業單位,改善勞工作業環境,保障工作人員身體健康。工作方法是針對合成皮業之事業單位藉由輔導團與檢查機構整合,透過檢查、輔導及改善機制,以降低 DMF 作業場所勞工的暴露。輔導團由勞工安全衛生研究所、經濟部工業局及工研院環安中心組成,針對個別工廠,透過環境測定、教育訓練、廠場整潔管理及工程改善等方式,降低工作人員 DMF 暴露。輔導前先瞭解合成皮製造業之現況,並訂出明確的績效指標,為了讓成效評估更具公信力,本研究之環境監測由檢查機構進行,於輔導前及輔導後針對使用的作業場所根據勞工委員會採樣分析建議方法 1215 進行作業環境測定,以瞭解實際改善成效。由於整合性輔導機制分工完善,指標明確,各合成皮製造工廠透過整合性輔導機制的模式,皆顯著改善,整體改善率為 65%,DMF 的平均暴露濃度由 15.595ppm 降為 5.408ppm,且經過統計檢定具有顯著差異(p<0.001)。其中,濕式製程降低 74.2%,濕式配料降低 43.2%,乾式製程降低 56.3%,乾式配料降低 53.4%。由此可見,此輔導模式可有效協調、整合及分工,未來可擴大至其他行業。
A 1999 investigation report issued by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health of the Council of Labor Affairs revealed that about 61.4% of all synthetic leather manufacturing facilities in Taiwan exceeded the permissible DMF (N,N-Dimethyl formamide) exposure limits. The investigation was conducted by surveying the exposure to hazardous materials in eight synthetic leather factories. The main purpose of this study was to verify the implementation of government ordinances and to conduct thorough inspections in order to help synthetic leather manufacturing facilities improve their work environments and protect their workers from bodily impairment. The objective is to reduce the exposure of laborers to DMF in the workplace through an integrated mechanism of inspection, advisory assistance and improvement provided by an advisory group together with the labor inspection authority. Formed by IOSH, the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Center for Environmental, Safety and Health Technology Development of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, the advisory group provides assistance to individual factories to reduce the exposure of workers to DMF. The scope of assistance covers workplace environment monitoring and management, employee training, occupational hygiene management, and engineering control. Before providing assistance to a synthetic leather maker, the advisory group gains an understanding of the status of the factory and establishes performance indicators as measures of improvement. To enhance the credibility of the performance indicators and gain a better understanding of the actual level of improvement, the labor inspectors participating in this study are responsible for workplace monitoring before and after the implementation of improvement programs by following the guidelines of“ Method 1215: Sampling Analysis and Recommendation” stipulated by the Council of Labor Affairs. Due to close collaboration via the integrated advisory mechanism and the design of a clear set of performance indicators, all synthetic leather factories have made significant improvements, and overall, have achieved an improvement rate of 65%. DMF concentration has been reduced from 15.6 ppm to 5.41 ppm on average, a significant difference (p<0.001) as shown in the statistical verification. In addition, the concentration of DMF in wet process is reduced by 74.2%, in wet blending by 43.2%, in dry process by 56.3%, and in dry blending by 53.4%. This performance indicates that the integrated advisory mechanism is highly effective and can be extended to other industries in the future.
起訖頁 28-35
關鍵詞 合成皮業二甲基甲醯胺整合性輔導Synthetic leather factoryDMFN,N-Dimethyl formamideIntegrated advisory assistance
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200603 (14:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 作業用三腳架之研究與雛型製作
該期刊-下一篇 工作型態與心血管疾病相關之研究──以醫院病患為例




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