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Performance of Commercial Functional Masks
作者 黃盛修陳春萬張振平
由於2003 年初所爆發之SARS 疫情,台灣市場上對於口罩的需求量大增,因此,除了傳統的防塵口罩之外,一些具有特殊機能的產品如奈米光觸媒口罩、防霉抗菌口罩以及活性碳口罩等也都是這波疫情下所開發之高科技產品。然而,由於大多數的這類產品都沒有經過檢驗評估,因此這些具有特殊機能口罩在強調其功能的同時,是否也具有高過濾效率本質是本研究所要探討的重點。研究中,首先使用TSI 8130與SMPS等兩台氣膠儀器並且根據最新之CNS 14755 Z 2125國家標準中的測試條件,以評估市售特殊機能口罩之防塵效率。其次,將口罩佩戴在裝有呼吸模擬器之國人標準頭型上,並利用TSI Portacount PlusTM測試口罩密合度。研究中測試了包括奈米光觸媒、防霉抗菌以及活性碳等共21 種不同廠牌之具有特殊機能的口罩。結果顯示,這些口罩的過濾效率之平均值依序分別為58.5、33.2、46.8%。在空氣阻抗方面,其平均值則分別為15.8、10.0、15.5 mmH2O。整體而言,只有2種口罩符合國家標準對於拋棄式防塵口罩之最低等級的要求;且這些口罩的效率並不隨著價錢的增加而有顯著的提升。結果也顯示,這些口罩的密合度係數介於7~2 之間,意即在佩戴口罩時,會有15~50%的微粒會經由口罩與面體間的不密合處洩漏。因此,建議消費者在選購口罩時,應該認清口罩的功能及使用的目的,審慎選擇,有些口罩的設計並不符合使用的目的,貿然地使用將產生安全上的錯覺。
The outbreak of SARS in early 2003 had stirred up a surging demand of masks in Taiwan. In addition to traditional masks, few functional products such as photocatalytic, anti-bacteria, and active carbon masks were also introduced and sold in the market. However, majority of these functional masks are uncertified. Therefore, the major focus of this study is to evaluate the filtration efficiency of commercially available functional masks. In this study, two aerosol instruments: a TSI 8130 automated filter tester and a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) were used to conduct the mask performance testing. The test conditions were set according to the latest Chinese National Standards (CNS 14755 Z 2125). A TSI Portacount PlusTM was used to investigate the fitting characteristics of masks worn on a standardized craniofacial manikin equipped with a breath simulator. Twenty-one different brands of functional masks, photocatalytic, anti-bacteria, and active carbon masks, were evaluated. The results showed that the filter efficiency of each functional group was 58.5%, 33.2%, and 46.8%, respectively. The air resistance was 15.8, 10.0, and 15.5 mmH2O, respectively. Only two of them met the minimum requirements of the national standards. Moreover, the efficiency of these functional masks was not closely related to the price. The results also showed that fit factor of the masks tested varying from 2 to 7, which implied that 15 to 50 % of the ambient particles would penetrate through the face-seal leakage of the masks. Therefore, consumers are advised to purchase only the masks suitable for the purpose of use. Masks not meeting the design purpose may give the users a false sense of security.
起訖頁 70-77
關鍵詞 奈米光觸媒口罩過濾效率密合度測試Photocatalytic maskFiltration efficiencyFit test
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200503 (13:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 作業場所上肢重複性傷害現場監測技術
該期刊-下一篇 地面與鞋材之摩擦效應




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