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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Development of a Sit-stand Work Chair for Semiconductor Cleaning Room
作者 游志雲林彥輝許家榮魏振隆
本研究的目的是針對半導體無塵室從業人員相關的下肢骨骼肌肉疲勞問題,研發一張站坐兩用椅,使工作人員得以在繁忙的工作中得到間歇短暫的體重支撐,藉以減緩或消除下肢骨骼肌肉疲勞的問題。我們由半導體廠的現場訪視著手,經由工作分析了解設計需求並由空間資源探討了解可供設置站坐兩用椅的空間。提出設計方案並進行原型椅設計與試做。最後將 4 台站坐兩用椅分別裝置在兩家無塵室中進行兩次為期四週的評估,參與的樣本人數共計 32 人。分別在使用前,使用二週及使用四週後,各完成一次問卷調查,調查“下肢疲勞程度”、“使用頻率”、“使用時程”與“缺失與改進”等問題。結果顯示,“下肢疲勞程度”由使用前的 4.7(S.D.=1.2)下降至使用二週後的 3.8(S.D.=1.2) ,再下降至使用四週後的 3.1(S.D.=1.4)。“使用頻率”由使用前 0 次升高至使用二週後的 24 次(S.D.=8.3 次) ,再升高至使用四週後的 41 次(S.D.=6.4)。“使用時程”由使用前 0 分鐘升高至使用二週後的 1.2 分鐘(S.D.=0.8) ,再升高至使用四週後的 2.8 分鐘(S.D.=0.8) ,顯示椅子相當為使用者接受有改善下肢疲勞的功用。在“缺失與改進”的問題上,多數人認為椅子確實有相當助益,然而椅子應該設計的更加人性化,而不只是一個姿勢支撐而已。
The purpose of this study was to develop a sit-stand chair to be used specifically in clean rooms of the semiconductor industry. Previous studies have shown that lower leg fatigue is one of work-related musculoskeletal problems in semi-conductor industry. To tackle this problem, it was proposed that a sitstand chair could be provided as spontaneously short-term body weight support to reduce lower leg fatigue problems during work process. This study proceeded with design and evaluation phases. In the design phase, we began with worker’s task analysis and clean room’s facility layout to come up with design requirements for prototyping. Based on the design requirements, three versions of the prototype chairs were made one after the other through innovation. The innovation was based on lab trial and structure mechanics analysis. In the evaluation phase, four prototype chairs of the final version were made and installed in two clean rooms for two four-week field tests. A total of 32 (4 chairs x 2 shifts x 2 rooms x 2 evaluations) female workers participated in these two tests. The participants were asked to fill out one questionnaire three times, the first was before the test, the second was two weeks after and the third was four weeks after. The questions consisted of degree of fatigue, frequency of use, duration of use, and comments toward design. The results show that the degree of fatigue was 4.7 (before use) decreased to 3.8(after two weeks) and again decreased to 3.1(after four weeks). In contrast, the frequency of use increased from none to 24 times and then increased to 41 times; the duration of use increased from zero to 1.2 minutes and then again increased to 2.8 minutes; and the comments toward design consisted of a wide spectrum of favorable suggestions. In summary, the results show that the chair is capable of reducing lower leg fatigue and is well accepted by the users.
起訖頁 168-175
關鍵詞 站坐兩用椅下肢肌肉骨骼傷害無塵室職業傷害Sit-stand chairLower leg musculoskeletal disordersClean room occupational problems
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200406 (12:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 凸緣對側風中氣罩有效捕集範圍的影響
該期刊-下一篇 電鍍業六價鉻暴露勞工頭髮鉻濃度評估研究




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