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Research on Simultaneous Personal Sampling Technology of TDI Vapor and Aerosol A Field Study
作者 林希貞蔡春進羅健倫鄭凱中石東生洪益夫
本研究目的為在工作場所現場比較新型三層濾紙系統(TFS, Triple Filter System)與其他採樣系統對二異氰酸甲苯(TDI, toluene diisocyanate)的採樣性能,包括環型擴散管系統(ADS, Annular Denuder System)、雙層濾紙系統(DFS, Dual Filter System)、開放式濾紙匣(OFFC, Open-Face Filter System)及封閉式濾紙匣(CFFC, Closed-Face Filter System)。由文獻中可知,新型三層濾紙系統可以克服環型擴散管系統及雙層濾紙系統的缺點,包括繁雜的裱敷程序、價格昂貴及TDI氣膠濃度被高估。本研究於民國 91 年 9 月至 11 月在台中一間泡綿工廠進行現場採樣測試,比對的採樣器包括 TFS、ADS、DFS、OFFC 及 CFFC。為了研究採樣時間對採樣濃度的影響,我們選擇了不同採樣時間做比較,結果顯示新型三層濾紙系統與其他採樣系統之總 TDI 濃度相當,在短時間 15 分鐘之內的採樣下,新型三層濾紙系統及環型擴散管系統收集氣膠態及氣態濃度皆非常接近。現場測試的結果驗證了新型三層濾紙系統用於 TDI 現場採樣的可行性,這對於 TDI 氣膠及氣體同步採樣是相當方便的系統,此系統將來更可以應用在其他異氰酸鹽類氣膠及氣體的分離採樣。
This study is to compare the performance of the triple filter system (TFS) with other samplers, i.e. annular denuder system (ADS), dual filter system (DFS), open-face filter cassette (OFFC) and close-face filter cassette (CFFC), for field sampling of 2,4-toluene diisocyanate (TDI). TFS, which has two front Teflon filters and one coated glass fiber filter, was designed previously to overcome the shortcomings i.e. tedious coating procedure and overestimation of aerosol TDI concentration in simultaneously sampling of vapor and aerosol-phase TDI with ADS and DFS, respectively (Tsai et al., 2002). The field comparison study was carried-out at a polyurethane foam factory - in Taichung, Taiwan during September to October 2002. All samplers, i.e. TFS, ADS, DFS, OFFC and CFFC were placed inside the factory near the final products process. Sampling was performed at different time intervals to study the time effect on sampling concentrations. The results show that the concentrations of total TDI estimated by the TFS are comparable to those by the ADS and other filter systems. The comparison with ADS shows that TFS works well with 15-min sampling period, which is the standard duration for TDI sampling. The test data prove the reliability of TFS in the field sampling of TDI. It is a convenient system for simultaneous sampling of vapor and aerosol-phase TDI, and derivatives of other isocyanates.
起訖頁 118-126
關鍵詞 現場空氣採樣三層濾紙分離採樣器二異氰酸甲苯Field samplingTriple filter systemTDI
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200406 (12:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 生物科技產業勞工安全衛生管理與健康危害評估研究
該期刊-下一篇 以熱暴露腔之均勻性探討其應用在評估勞工熱危害之影響




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