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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of Confined Space Safety Program
作者 賈台寶陳瀛州
侷限空間即「密閉空間」或「部分開放」且自然通風不充分之場所,容易蓄積有害、可燃性氣體或造成缺氧狀態。此類空間普遍存在於各行業中,發生之災害類型相當廣泛,包括:缺氧、中毒、火災、爆炸、機械與其他物理性危害,但目前我國勞工對此類危害認知尚待加強;本文參考國內外侷限空間作業相關資料,分析比較美、英、澳洲、加拿大、香港、日本及我國侷限空間作業相關法規、指引及民國 88 年全國性勞工「工作環境安全衛生狀況調查」結果與民國 83-87 年侷限空間作業重大職業災害類型分析,探討歸納我國侷限空間安全工作計畫應涵蓋的要項,包括教育訓練、危害辨認與預防、通風換氣、自動檢查、工作許可、監視人員之責任、警告標示、個人防護、承攬人管理、緊急應變、醫療救援等。勞工在此具有高度潛在危害的環境工作時,無論是臨時性或委由承攬人執行,雇主均須針對侷限空間作業場所之特性及從事工作的內容,擬定適宜之侷限空間安全工作計畫,以保障勞工之安全與健康。由曾經發生的侷限空間作業職業災害分析顯示,必須注意每個管理面的落實,才能避免職業災害的發生,本文之建議可提供各行業安全衛生管理人員預防侷限空間作業災害之參考。
“Confined space” mentioned in this paper is defined as a poorly ventilated space such as an entirely enclosed space or with some limited openings. This kind of space is apt to accumulate hazardous or explosive gas, fume or vapor or might result in oxygen deficiency. Confined spaces vary widely in size, shape and function, and can be found in many manufacturing and construction sites. Accidents related to confined space are also complicated in nature which include oxygen deficiency, toxic atmosphere, fire, explosion, physical and mechanical hazards. However, workers in our country are usually unaware of this hazards. Thus, education or training for work safety in confined space still need to te improved. In order to study what content of a safety work program of confined space should comprise, literature review including confined space legislations and safety guides from USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, and the national survey of Labors’ occupational safety and health and the case reports of confined space incidents from 1994-1998 in Taiwan was conducted. It is found that a comprehensive safety program of confined space should include employee training, hazard identification and prevention, ventilation, self-inspection, permit-to-work, attendants’ duty, lockout/tagout, personal protective equipment, management of contractors, emergency plan, rescue and medical treatment. There is an urgent need for employers to prepare a safety program for confined space to protect workers based on the characterizations of the work environment and the work to be performed. Safety requirements of confined space are also necessary to be established for the contractors, even performing a temporary work. From the case studies, efforts must be made in all aspects in order to prevent occupational hazards in confined spaces. Suggestions of work safety in confined space are provided as a reference for safety managers.
起訖頁 241-251
關鍵詞 侷限空間缺氧中毒火災爆炸Confined spaceOxygen deficiencyToxicityFireExplosion
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200209 (10:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 噪音作業勞工聽力損失研究
該期刊-下一篇 由大岡山北嶺加壓站配水池工程模板支撐倒塌檢討棚架式模板支撐組搭之安全




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