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The Integrated Application and Research of the Industrial Robotic Safeguard System with Ethernet
作者 游武璋黃志方成維華高崇洋
本文係針對工業用機器人系統安全性進行整體性之研究,在這項研究中,將著手設計一套實驗用系統雛型,包含硬體之構成與軟體之架構。其中包含一工業用 U 型機器人,該機器人屬於非卡笛遜座標機構,以期能將此安全防護系統廣泛用於工業界。此系統除了機構本體外,尚包含在機器人位置上架設全方位磁感式位置追蹤感測裝置,以及各種致動器之安排,獲致電氣迴路與機構運動之完整且即時資料,透過系統傳輸介面送達中央監控系統,結合即時立體影像監控系統,使得機器人發生錯誤動作時,可利用立體影像監控之虛擬邊界原理,減慢機器人運動速率,或透過傳輸界面軟體控制的裝置,經由控制系統本身停電剎車機能,發揮緊急停止之功效,以達到機器人即時防撞之安全措施。以及用於日後各種軟硬體相關安全措施之研究與驗證。同時將進一步對機器人在生產線上之防護機能,由區域網路送訊息與控制程式、感測器回饋訊號處理程式及立體影像監控程式,以界定各機器人之安全。文中敘述已實現工業用機器人硬體改裝與其運動分析,以及相關重要的理論架構,如智慧型機器人防護系統理論架構、機器人虛擬邊界原理、主從網路連線架構之確立、中央監控系統與區域網路連線雛型架構等。並且完成工業用 U 型機器人、3D 磁感應式位置追蹤器、中央監控系統與乙太(Ethernet) 區域網路連線與虛擬實境軟體之整合等工作,以目前所既有之理論基礎上,完成整個工業用機器人防護系統之整合與驗證,實現整個智慧型安全防護系統。
This study is oriented toward the system analysis of the safeguard for industrial robotics system. In this research, we will design, analyze and build the industrial non-Cartesian U-type robot as the experimental prototype, including the hardware architecture and software scheme, in order to make the robot safety system useful for the industrial fields widely. Besides the mechanical bodies, the complete system contains a position tracking system, force sensors and various actuators with real-time animation tool kits available in the virtual reality system to supervise for issuing the low speed or emergency commands to control the robotic safeguard system. Moreover, the experimental prototype, fabricated and assembled in a practical consideration, is also used to demonstrate the consistency with the theories. In addition, we will put the focus on the hazard-prevention capability for the on line multi-robot system. Therefore, we can set up the safe operating domain for each robot, by sending the message to the control program, sensor feedback processing program, and the 3-D vision program, via the local net-work. We have finished the industrial robot hardware assembly with its kinematics analysis. The intelligent robotic safeguard system theory architecture, robot virtual boundary theory, server/client network architecture, and the central monitor control system connected with the local network architecture are also set up. We also integrate the industrial U-type robot, position tracker, connection between the central monitor control system and the Ethernet local network, and the virtual reality software. The entire safeguard system for the industrial robot has been verified and implemented accordingly.
起訖頁 218-231
關鍵詞 工業用U型機器人主從網路連線架構虛擬實境軟體Industrial u-type robotServer/client network architectureVirtual reality software
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200209 (10:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以科學園區某半導體廠為例,分析製造設備用安全指引SEMIS2-93A施行前後之相對風險比較
該期刊-下一篇 噪音作業勞工聽力損失研究




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