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Effect of Hazardous Material Labeling on Viewers' Visual Discrimination Performance under Different Ambient Conditions
作者 王安祥陳繡雨陳正勳
本研究旨在探討在不同的環境狀況下,受試者對於目前中華民國危害標示之視覺 辨識績效。研究的因子共有四個,分別為危害標示的種類(10 種標示)、觀測距離(150 及 250 公分)、環境照度(200 及 00 lx)及背景顏色 (白、藍及褐色)。實驗進行 之前,先讓受試者接受危害標示說明之訓練,以使其瞭解各種危害標示所代表的意 義。研究結果顯示,不同的危害標示及觀測距離會影響受試者的視覺辨識績效;環境 照度及背景顏色對於標示的辨識力則無明顯的影響。因此,使用者在實際使用危害標 示時,當觀測距離較近時,危害標示圓形的設計對於受試者視覺辨識績效的影響較 小;但當觀測距離拉大時,危害標示圓形設計的優劣對於受試者的視覺辨識績效,就 有相當大的影響。本文結論可以作為危害標示圓形修正或重新設計的參考,讓危害標 示的使用更臻完善,使工作者清楚地瞭解危害標示的警示內容,進而增進其生命財產 之保障,有效減少職災的發生。
This study investigated the effects of the R.O.C. hazardous material labeling system, under various ambient conditions such as viewing distance 、150 and 250 cm/, ambient illumination 、200 and 斗00 lx/, and bacKground color 、white, blue, and brown/ on the visual performance of the viewers. Ambient illumination and bacKground color both had no significant effect on viewers' visual performance. However, the hazardous material labels and viewing distance were found to have significant impact on visual performance. Viewers performed better when the viewing distance was 150 cm. When the viewing distance was increased to 300 cm, the visual performance of the viewers became worse. ln this case, the design of hazardous material labels was the critical factor affecting the visual performance. Recommendations for revising the hazardous material labels are provided in this paper. Hopefully, the redesign of hazardous material labels will improve the visual performance of all potential users and prevent the occurrence of occupational accidents.
起訖頁 91-102
關鍵詞 工業安全危害標示視覺辨識績效lndustrial safetyHazardous labelingVisual discrimination performance
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200103 (9:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Tenax-TA 被動式採樣管之現場驗證




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