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Promotion of Chen Tse to Senior Division Commander of Right-Vanguard Troop in Zheng Dynasty
作者 蔡米虹 (Mi-Hung Tsai)張伯宇
陳澤為鄭氏王朝中經歷鄭成功、鄭經兩代的重要武將,隨鄭成功渡臺驅荷屯墾。在臺期間,其由宣毅前鎮鎮將晉任「統領署先鋒右鎮總兵官」。統領加銜顯示陳澤於當時鄭氏諸武將中可稱資深功隆;先鋒右鎮稱號前冠以「署」字,意涵對該兵鎮的轄管職務在初始或屬暫攝代理性質。本文將陳澤晉任先鋒右鎮之事置於當時臺灣的政治情勢發展脈絡中加以詮釋分析,認為其應是嗣王鄭經穩定臺灣局勢之策略施為下致生的一例結果,非為獨立個案。陳澤晉任署先鋒右鎮的時機或在鄭經平定東都事件後,為永曆16 年冬或17 年春。依此推繹,座落於臺南市中西區永福里的陳澤故居(現為陳姓大宗祠德聚堂)被稱為「統領府」之時間也不早過於此。東都事件後,鄭經可能透過武職的晉加、替調,嘉賞爭位過程中協助己方的臣官,攏聚此間觀望而未採取逆反行動的將領,除退其所疑忌或力不足堪任者,並藉由較多署職、署缺的人事安排增加對居臺武官黜陟之權力運用空間,另亦重新整編部分兵鎮。相關舉措大幅度改變駐臺兵將組成結構,藉此期能致生上、下制衡之效,消弭兵鎮圖謀分立情事復發,具有鞏固嗣位後王權之意。
Chen Tse (陳澤) was an important military officer in Zheng Dynasty with a number of war exploits against the Ching state and Dutch colonists. Chen followed Koxinga (國姓爺) to Taiwan in 1661 and was subsequently promoted to senior division commander leading right-vanguard troop (先鋒右鎮). His new official title illustrated that he was held in high esteem at that time. However, he served initially as the acting commander only. Interpretative analysis in this study suggested that Chen’s promotion was an example of the official strategy for stabilizing the political situation. After Koxinga’s death in June of 1662, some military officers garrisoning Taiwan opposed to the succession of Zheng Jing (鄭經), the son of Koxinga, to the throne and a civil war thus broke out. Historical materials showed that substantial military personnel changes in Taiwan had occurred when Zheng Jing first assumed power. Through staff reassignments, Zheng Jing promoted those loyal and helpful, sacked those who were not trusted or suitable, reserved his authority on personnel, and reorganized armed forces for counterbalancing. His intention of preventing military coup in order to consolidate his sovereignty was understandable. In view of the above, Chen’s promotion was most probably around late 1662 to early 1663 toward the end of civil war. Hence, the naming of Chen's residence in Tainan as “Tung-Ling-Fu” (統領府) (meaning residence of senior division commander) would not be earlier than that period.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 陳澤鄭氏王朝統領總兵官先鋒右鎮Chen TseZheng DynastySenior Division CommanderRight-Vanguard Troop
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201603 (23:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣貯蓄銀行之設立及其發展(1899-1912 年):兼論臺灣史上首宗銀行合併案




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