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The Research of Service Design Based on Activity Theory: Focusing on the Process of Telehealth care Sevices Promotion
作者 郭彥宏鄭思裴簡怡光陳綾穗劉景寬
Nowadays, health care seeking behaviors have no longer been restricted their performing in healthcare organizations. This reflects the paradigm shift of health care service delivery model from the perspective of patriarchy on medicine to the patient centered. From the social-cultural perspective, this research aimed on examining the consequences of contradictionaries with the lack of considering cultural embeddeness in the innovative service design process. With the case research focuses on the process of telehealthcare service promotion in a medical center in southern Taiwan, we revealed several insights related to the innovative service design. Based on the Ethnography, we applied activity theory to construct the activity systems of the telehealthcare service promotion from a total of 35 experienced service promotion processes. Furthermore, several contradictionaries were extracted through the activity system in the research. Finally, we provide several suggestions for the future healthcare industry to enhance the understanding of IT-enabled services design with cultural embeddedness.
起訖頁 315-344
關鍵詞 活動理論脈絡探索遠距健康照護服務設計求醫行為Activity Theorycontextual inquirytelehealthcareservice designhealthcare seeking behavior
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201509 (17:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 擴增實境影像自拍系統對旅遊行為之影響
該期刊-下一篇 結合方法--目的鏈及消費者決策模型進行新興服務體驗流程設計的可行性研究




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