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Understanding the multifaceted perspectives and methods of qualitative research using the concept of “Double Hermeneutics”
作者 賴文恩 (Wen-An Lai)李秉學
Nowadays, many researchers adopt qualitative methods to investigate practical or theoretical issues in public health; however, few articles introduced the philosophical and methodological considerations when applying qualitative approaches. Since the beginning of the 20th century, qualitative research originated within the community of sociology and other related academic disciplines with multifaceted perspectives and methods. Different qualitative researchers investigate diverse sociological phenomenon or issues with various study designs in accordance with their academic backgrounds. Their studies are based on different theoretical perspectives such as post-positivism, grounded theory, constructive hermeneutics, critical theory, feminism, or postmodernism. They collect data with different methods including in-depth interviews, participant observation, ethnography, or action research. Because of the diversity of their philosophical backgrounds, there is still no clear definition of qualitative research. Novice researchers frequently lose their way in the terminology jungle of different schools of qualitative research. They also encounter difficulty in understanding how to integrate qualitative and quantitative research methods. In this article, which begins with a fable, the authors try to clarify the philosophical essence of qualitative research using the concept of “double hermeneutics” and explore the possibility of integrating qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
起訖頁 351-358
關鍵詞 質性研究雙重詮釋測不準定理qualitative researchDouble Hermeneuticsuncertainty principle
刊名 台灣公共衛生雜誌  
期數 201608 (35:4期)
出版單位 台灣公共衛生學會
該期刊-上一篇 關心厝邊的老大人:前進社區的「3+1行動醫療」服務
該期刊-下一篇 以連帶思想檢視台灣長照政策發展之挑戰與啟發




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