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“But the Greatest of These Is Love”: Desire for the Father and Agape in Toni Morrison’s Love
作者 Chia-chin Tsai (Chia-chin Tsai)
Love, Toni Morrison’s novel published in 2003, relates the entangled feelings of love and hostility among five African-American women related to a patriarch named Bill Cosey, aka “Big Daddy” and “Papa.” This paper aims at scrutinizing in light of Lacanian theory the various roles this Big Daddy assumes—the conceptual, symbolic father, the imaginary father and the real, anal father of jouissance. In so doing, the issue of the Father’s desire, which preoccupies almost every female character, and its intricate connection with agape, selfless love represented as a feminine act, can be explored so as to decipher the significance the title “Love” implies. The author argues that L, the ghostly narrator whose name is the subject of I Corinthians 13, “gives what she does not have” (a Lacanian definition of love) and sacrifices what is probably most precious to her—paradoxically the father not as a complete Other who knows the answer to the female subject’s question “Che Vuois?” but as another barred subject. This act of love enables Heed and Christine to retrieve their semi-pre-symbolic bonding and their code language, which simulates the pre-lapsarian plenitude in the form of the Lacanian lalangue.
起訖頁 217-241
關鍵詞 the symbolic fatherthe imaginary fatherthe real father of jouissancedesireagape
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 201003 (36:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Musical Culture and Social Ideology in Vienna circa 1800: Aristocratic Patronage and Bourgeois Reception of Joseph Haydn’s Oratorios
該期刊-下一篇 Neoliberal Self-Governance and Popular Postfeminism in Contemporary Anglo-American Chick Lit




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