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Working with Nature: David Masumoto and Organic Farming Discourse
作者 周序樺 (Shiuhhuah Serena Chou)
David Mas Masumoto, a third generation organic farmer, reflects on his experience substituting pheromones for chemicals in his organic peach orchard and suggests that organic cultivation is a practice through which farmers respond to the rhythmic order of nature. Like many organic enthusiasts, Masumoto defines organic farming as the antithesis of industrial agriculture––a mode of production that relies on synthetic herbicides, fertilizers, and other technological control of nature. However, this powerful dichotomy that Masumoto establishes between the organic and the industrial becomes less tenable when his stance against chemical pesticides and fertilizers comes into conflict with his attempt to work with nature’s order. Working with nature, Masumoto finds his organic approach depends as much on controlling nature and its irregularities as industrial ones, and his vision of a pristine organic farm devoid of human traces an unattainable dream. His fascination with organic naturalness manifests an obsession with the supposed pastoral innocence and moral order of the organic landscape in popular belief.
起訖頁 337-354
關鍵詞 David Mas Masumotoorganic farmingnature writingpastoral literatureecocriticism
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 200909 (35:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Hybridization as the Postcolonial Anti-Exotic in Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl
該期刊-下一篇 On the Horizon: Nietzsche’s Lady Dawn and Deleuze’s Sky-Chance




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