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Stretching Language to Its Limit: Deleuze and the Problem of Poiesis
作者 Frank Stevenson (Frank Stevenson)
Here I begin with Lecercle’s assumption that language is a “problem” for Deleuze, who like Beckett wants to demonstrate the limits of (literary, poetic) language yet can only do so by writing. In “He Stuttered” Deleuze says truly experimental poets stretch the two (initially associative and syntactic) axes of langue to a point “far from equilibrium” where they begin to “stutter” and words (like atoms) begin to self-divide and redouble. After exploring this model and Deleuze’s related discussion of Beckett’s narrative praxis of “exhausting logical possibilities” in “The Exhausted,” I point out that although he specifically rejects “metaphor” as a term tied to classical semiotics, and in his discussions of Beckettian exhaustion and the stuttering langue-machine (which vibrates the classical metaphoric-metonymic axes beyond recognition) does seem to overthrow semiotics, Deleuze’s own discourse seems constantly driven by metaphorical language. For instance, the notion that beyond langue lies “silence” is itself a poetic (metaphorical) rather than “logical” one, as is the argument that Beckett’s inclusive-disjunctive “non-style” tries to “give the possible a reality that is itself exhaustible.” In a final section I show how a model based on the background noise (not sound/silence) of information theory can be fruitfully compared with Deleuze’s vibrating-langue model, and suggest that the former may actually be a simpler, more “efficient” model.
起訖頁 77-108
關鍵詞 DeleuzeBeckettlanguage-modelsstutteringexhaustionsemioticsmetaphorsyntaxpoetic speechword-atoms
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 200903 (35:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Memory’s Future: Affect, History, and New Narrative in South Africa
該期刊-下一篇 Trauma, Paranoia, and Ecological Fantasy in Don DeLillo’s Underworld: Toward a Psychoanalytic Ethics of Waste1




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