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Small Christian Medical Institutes in Taiwan--Pros & Cons, and Coping Business Strategies
作者 施以諾 (Yi-Nuo Shih)楊麗玲
近年來許多學者均建議應將企業策略用於醫院管理, 特別是許多台灣地 區近年來受到健保實施等大環境的改變,許多小型醫院均面臨經營管理上的 瓶頸與危機,在這當中,教會醫療機構的處境又更為特別,因為許多教會醫 療機構除了具有一般小型醫院的特質外,因著定位與創立的宗旨不岡於一般 醫療院所,使擁有其獨特的優勢及包袱。本文以企業策略的角度分別探討 「教會醫療機構的特質、優勢」、「大環境下教會醫療機構的危機」、「小型教 會醫療機構較適合採用何種企業策略」、「小型教會醫療機構可如何調整本身 的組織架構與發展重點」以及「小型教會醫療機構可嘗試何種募款方式來解 決可能面臨的財務問題」等幾個部份,以文獻回顧及專論的方式,期待能為 未來台灣小型教會醫療機構之管理與經營提供參考。
In recent years, many experts have proposed the application of business strategies in hospital management, particularly in a time many smaller hospitals are exposed to management bottleneck and crisis due to the changed grand environment in the Taiwan area since the enactment of National Health Insurance program; and more exceptional cases are found with a number of Christian medical institutes that while providing characteristics as a smaller hospital have their positions and purposes different from that of the latter to make them carrying unique advantages and burdens. This paper entering from the angle of business strategy attempts to respectively explore into issues including quality and advantage of Christian medical institutes, crisis confronting them in the grand environment, types of business strategies cut for them, how to readjust their organizational configuration and key issues of development, and feasible fund-raising approaches to solve potential financial problems, in the hope of providing reference for future management and operation of the small Christian medical institutes in future by documentary review and topic discussion.
起訖頁 69-80
關鍵詞 企業策略教會醫療機構小型醫院Business strategyChristian medical instituteSmall hospital
刊名 醫院  
期數 200612 (39:6期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 以C4.5建立病患分類模型之探討--以兩家醫院之糖尿病病患為例




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