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Quality of Life after Medical Treatment for Breast Cancer Patients
作者 蔡文正蘇顏洲張緯杰龔佩珍林義鈜
目的:分析乳癌患者經治療過後,其個人健康相關生活品質情形及影響 乳癌患者生活品質因素之探討。 方法:本研究對象主要以罹患乳癌婦女治療後之患者,且符合治療結束 超過三個月,年齡在二十歲以上者;以中部四家醫院乳癌門診回診病患為研 究對象。生活品質採用世界衛生組織生活品質問卷(WHOQOL-BREF) ,以 面訪方式進行資料收集,共取得有效樣本為363 份。並應用複迴歸分析探討乳 癌病患術後生活品質之影響因素。 結果:乳癌病患對生活品質方面, 40.5% 的病患表示滿意,但是有13.5% 的病患對於目前的生活品質不滿意。在整體健康方面,有30.6% 的病患不滿意 自己目前的身體狀況, 22.8% 的病患則表示滿意。依據WHOQOL-BREF 台灣 簡明版問卷所計算出之四大生活品質範疇平均分數,以生理健康範疇分數最 高65.7 分、心理範疇55.6 分、社會關條範疇59 分及環境範疇分數最低54.3 分。 經複迴歸分析發現影響乳癌病患生活品質的主要因素為個人自覺健康狀況, 而所得高低與年齡則無顯著影響。 結論:由本研究結果顯示,大部份的乳癌志者對於目前的生活狀況皆表 示滿意,僅有少數的乳癌患者不滿意自己目前的健康情況。針對生活品質改 善方面,貝11 建議未來醫護人員應、加強乳癌患者術後持續追蹤及照護,對於病志的自我健康的認知態度也應列入日後在治療照護上的參考,以協助病患改 善生活品質。
Objectives: To explore the quality of life after medical treatment for breast cancer patients, this study aims to assess the health-related quality of life of breast cancer patients and its associated factors. Methods: The research subjects are breast cancer patients who have completed treatments for at least three months and are more than twenty years old. The sample was selected from a medical- center hospital, two regional and two divisional hospitals in central Taiwan. We interviewed the breast cancer patients with their agreement at outpatient services, and total 363 breast cancer patients were interviewed. The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used to survey for data collection. The multiple regression analysis was used to examine the associated factors with patients quality of life. Results: Regarding the quality of life, 40.5% of the breast cancer patients are satisfied with their quality of life, whereas 13.5% are dissatisfied. As for the health status, 30.6% of patients are dissatisfied with their current health status but 22.8% are satisfied. According to the results from the survey of WHOQOL-BREF questionnaires, the aspect of physical health has on average the highest score 65.7 out of 100; the aspect of psychological health has the score 55.6; the aspect of social relationship has the score 59, and the aspect of environmental health has the lowest score 54.3. Based on the multiple regression analysis, the self perceived health is the only significant factor associated with quality of life for breast cancer patients and income and age are not significantly associated with breast cancer patients quality of life. Conclusion: The most of breast cancer patients are satisfied with their quality of life after medical treatment and only a few patients are dissatisfied with their quality of life. According the study results, we recommend physicians and related nurses should provide follow-up and continued care for the breast cancer patients to enhance their self perceived health, and to improve their quality of life.
起訖頁 56-72
關鍵詞 乳癌生活品質世界衛生組織生活品質問卷 Breast cancerQuality of lifeWHOQOL-BREF
刊名 醫院  
期數 200412 (37:6期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 婦產科腹腔鏡系列手術之成本分析--以臺北市某區域醫院為例




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