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Try to Talk about the Legitimacy of Folk Law Involved in Mediation: A Case Study on the 'a village (community) a judge' system in Longxian Shaanxi province
作者 胡宗亮
Folk law', meaning the folk rules, is formed in the long-term practice of the people with a certain binding autonomy rules, present the character as the unity of morality and acceptability. Nowadays, in the area of justice in the mainland, people commonly insist on Pluralism of law, taking the observance of the law of the nation as an assumption, using Customs, Public Orders and Ethics as reference, which is decided by region-difference of politic, economy, culture and ethnic. And it is also connected with the low standard of Judicial Officers in substratum. Pioneered in Baoji of Shaanxi province in 2007,the regionalization of the 'a village (community) a judge' system asks a judge to the grass-roots level, solve disputes through mediation . In the practice of the judge has formed a relatively consummate folk law mediation paradigm, effectively supplement the deficiency of the nation law at the grassroots level. As for the theory studies, scholars in our country at present stage are mainly concentrated on the study of folk law in the general judicial level in system operation, or the single elements in the system, lacking in the legitimacy of case study research . However, in the Western World, due to the high standard of urbanization, there exist no possibility to match the 'native soil' of the mainland .This article, through historical and empirical methods, introduces the history of the folk law in the judicial mediation and the experience of Longxian, at the same time using the analysis method to analyze the legitimacy of the system.
起訖頁 61-77
關鍵詞 法社會學調解制度民間規則正當性論證鄉土社會the law sociologymediation systemfolk rulesreasonable argumentsociety of grassroot
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201406 (15:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 地政機關電子權利書狀委外辦理之研究--以高雄市為例




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