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Partisan Politics and Redistricting in Taiwan, 2005-2007
作者 鮑彤
This paper examines partisan politics in the redistricting process in Taiwan in 2005-2007 to explain why neither major party was able to obtain its best plan in every city or county. Theoretically, the degree of partisanship depends on the extent to which guidelines constrain decision makers, the partisan composition of decision making bodies, and the sequence of action. In this specific case, there were four stages. Redistricting plans went through local election commissions, the Central Election Commission, the legislature, and negotiations between the speaker and the premier. At each stage, the effects of the guidelines, composition, and sequence are considered in detail. In addition, three counties are examined, illustrating the three common patterns: consensus, dominance by the local election commission, and partisan conflict. From a public policy standpoint, the framework presented in this paper provides a way to assess how various reform proposals would alter the incentive and constraints facing various actors. Politically, the framework suggests how future redistricting may differ from the 2005-2007 round, especially if Taiwan has unified government.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 選區重劃選區劃分委員會分立政府選舉委員會選舉制度改革redistrictingboundary commissiondivided governmentelection commissionelectoral system reform
刊名 選舉研究  
期數 201605 (23:1期)
出版單位 政大出版社;國立政治大學選舉研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 同志議題與政治表態:以臺灣2014年六都議員選舉為例




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