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A Project to Improve the Integrity of Nursing Shift Reports on Transferring patients with Tuberculosis and Suspected Tuberculosis to the Isolation Ward
作者 葉美杞劉韶芙武香君陳建宏 (Chien-Hung Chen)馮明珠 (Ming-Chu Feng)謝生蘭陳立樺 (Li-Hua Chen)
肺結核由懸浮飛沫傳染,為避免爆發群聚感染,需迅速將病患轉入隔離病房,但 臨床工作中,同仁常抱怨病人轉入時護理交班內容不完整,引發同仁間不必要的爭執 及可能因而提升感染的機率,故成立此專案。探討其原因為:缺乏交班輔助工具、護 理人員對於疾病認知不足、未定期舉辦結核病相關在職教育及未宣導交班完整之重要 性。藉由建立結核病護理交班指引,宣導交班完整之重要性及舉辦結核病相關在職教 育等策略,結果顯示護理交班滿意度由42.7%提升至91.8%;結核及疑似結核病患轉入 隔離病房護理交班完整性由57.3%提升至95.4%,本專案有效提升護理交班完整性,可 供相關機構作為改善護理交班作業之參考。
Tuberculosis (TB) is spread by droplet transmission. To prevent TB outbreaks, such patients should be transferred to the isolation ward immediately. However, clinically, complaints were hoticed from time to time by nurses concerning incomplete nursing shift records on transferring these patients to the negative pressure isolation ward, which not only caused unnecessary conflicts between HCWs but also might increase the disease-spreading probability. Our studies identified major reasons for incomplete shift reports as follows: lack of auxiliary tools for shift reports, nurses’ insufficient medical knowledge, lack of regular TB continuous profession deuelopment (CPD) education, and insufficient promotion of the importance of integrity of shift reports. Intervention strategies included establishing the nursing shift report guidelines on TB, and its prevention promoting the importance of integrity of nursing shift reports, and holding TB continuous profession deuelopment (CPD) education. The results showed that nurses’ satisfaction with shift reports increased from 42.7% to 91.8% and that the integrity of nursing shift reports on transferring patients with tuberculosis and suspected tuberculosis to the isolation ward increased from 57.3% to 95.4%. This project effectively improved the integrity of nursing shift reports and could serve as a reference for related institutions.
起訖頁 34-44
關鍵詞 結核病隔離病房交班tuberculosis (TB)isolation wardshift reports
刊名 醫院  
期數 201512 (48:6期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 運用「醫療失效模式與效應分析」提升加護病房中心靜脈導管照護品質
該期刊-下一篇 運用跨團隊提昇急性後期病人自主物理復健之執行率




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