中文摘要 |
有效率的醫療作業除了可提升醫病品質,更可減少員工工作負擔。建立醫療 團隊的照護作業流程,可以促進醫護的合作關係,增進合作效率。本研究以結構 式工作查檢表,標準化各醫療團隊於出院準備時所需進行的各項工作及時間點,並 監測病人完成出院手續之時間點,作為實施流程管理介入前後之比較。結果顯示 在流程管理介入前,病人之平均出院準時率為84.59%,平均延遲時間為146.53(± 176.7)分鐘(1~1,140分鐘),介入後之平均出院準時率為91.03%,平均延遲時間 為149.97(±153.1)分鐘(1~1,039分鐘),準時率提高6.44%,並達統計上的顯著 差異(p<0.01)。而流程介入後,因醫療團隊因素導致延遲的比率下降了23.06% (p<0.01),其中,有進行出院準備服務的個案在流程介入後,延遲的情形降低了 13.43%(p<0.01)。研究結果顯示,將醫療照護團隊進行出院準備的流程標準化之 後,可以有效的提升神經內科病人的出院準時率,且流程介入之後,醫護團隊更能執 行積極有效的分工與合作,進而提升整體之服務效率。本研究有效改善了出院準備作 業的順暢及穩定度,強化醫師、護理及其他照護團隊的溝通方式及合作默契,使得醫 院病床的運用效率提升。研究結果可做為醫療院所進行相關管理時之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
Efficient medical practice could promote better health qualities, lighten the loads of the staffs, and further increase team cooperation and efficiency. We used structured check list to standardize each produre and time scale which the care team must prepare during discharge process. We check the on-time rate when patient finished all the discharge formalities before and after the intervention of process management. In our study, we found that the average ontime rate for discharge before the intervention was 84.59%, which delayed 146.53 (±176.7) minutes (1~1,140). The on-time rate after the intervention was 91.03% , and the average delay time was 149.97 (±153.1) minutes delayed (1~1,039). The on-time rate increased 6.44% after the intervention and showed significant differences (p<0.01). Furthermore, after the intervention of process management, the reason of delay discharge by the medical work team reduced 23.06% (p<0.01). After intervention, patients with discharge planning service had higher on-time rate with 13.43% increased. The study showed that to standardize the discharge process can improve the discharge on-time rate efficiently. In conclusion, process management made the discharge practice efficient and strengthened the coordination between the doctors, nurses and other staffs. It could also advanced the turn over rate of hospital beds. The results of our study might provide a useful tool for hospital management. |