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Earthquake Damage of Door and Window Glass for the Low-rise RC Buildings in Taiwan--Illustrated by Two Damaged RC Buildings
作者 陳嘉基 (Chia-Chi Chen)張嘉祥
由歷次地震之經驗與教訓,除了結構體外,屬於非結構的門窗亦容易遭受嚴重的破壞。為建立本土門窗實際震害資料以為進一步研究和法規研訂之基礎,本研究選擇瑞里地震太興國小與九二一集集地震竹山某飯店,進行門窗損壞調查記錄,並針對受害者與非受害者使用之材質、構造與施工,探討門窗震害的原因。經由這兩個實際震害例之探討,在門構造方面得到之經驗及教訓如下:1、低層RC造建築物,連牆門所在樓層數愈低時破壞比率愈高。2、1/2B磚牆損傷度在III以上或裂縫寬度2.0mm以上者,造成門嚴重破壞。3、木製門震後容易殘留變形而卡死,但在緊急下,人較易強制開啟;而鋼製門情況相反。另外,在固定窗玻璃方面,則發現活動窗震害情況極少,而高度相同寬度較大者之固定窗較易產生震害;厚度較大及強化處理的玻璃較不易破碎,3 ㎜普通玻璃在地震時,尖端碎片極容易傷人。上述震害經驗可做為台灣地區一般低層RC 建築物,在設計上考量門窗地震安全之參考。
In view of the experience of all previous earthquakes, besides the damage of main structure could happen, the non-structure of a building such as door or window glass could also get damaged. The study is based on the post earthquake investigation of Ruei-Li earthquake,1998 and Ji-Ji earthquake,1999. We inquired into the class rooms of a primary school and a hotel in Jhu-Shan. We surveyed and drew the detail dimensions of the door and window, and compared the material as well as construction between damaged and undamaged, and analyzed the reason of damage in the earthquake and influence parameter. These earthquake damaged informations may take further studies and be basis of instituting regulations. For the door, followings are observed: (1) Lower story obtained higher damage than higher story. (2) Usually the seriously damaged door has surround brick wall with damage level higher than III or crack wider than 2.0mm. (3) Deformed steel doors are more difficult to open than wooden doors. For the window, it is observed that most of damage are occurred at fixed window glass, and the window glass with slim-shape appears less damage than short-squat shape. Also, it is found that almost all the glass with 3.0mm thickness are broken to piece, however only a very low percentage of tempered glass are seriously damaged. The damages of door and window provide a good lesson on Low-rise RC buildings for practical design in Taiwan.
起訖頁 89-113
關鍵詞 固定窗玻璃震害瑞里地震集集地震DoorFixed window glassEarthquake damageRuei-Li EarthquakeJi-Ji Earthquake
刊名 建築學報  
期數 200706 (60期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺南地區消費者之商圈選擇模式建構
該期刊-下一篇 都市健康住宅評估指標體系之研究




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