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Experiences of the Brick Railway Storehouses Damaged in the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
作者 王貞富 (Chen-Fu Wang)
九二一集集地震中,震損的鐵道倉庫大部份集中在彰化縣南側之社頭火車站、田中火車站、及二水火車站,本文在三個火車站中共調查了十一棟磚造鐵道倉庫,其中有五棟已經崩塌,其餘之損傷程度介於嚴重破壞與完好之間,從其震害可歸納出五種破壞模式: (l)縱牆損壞較嚴重、(2)牆體面外破壞較多、(3)縱牆面內剪力破壞集中在端部、(4)既存裂縫會改變震害程度及模式、(5)屋頂重量較輕時建築物損壞程度較小。造成磚造鐵道倉庫損壞之主要原因為牆體受到面外方向水平地震力之作用,而影響其震害等級之各項參數中,則以牆體有效寬度之影響最為顯著,當牆體有效寬度越大時,可發現其震害越嚴重。隨著歷史建築與古蹟再利用課題之興起,如何將九二一集集地震中磚造鐵道倉庫之震害經驗與教訓,轉化為修復再利用時合理之耐震補強規劃設計結果,將是相當重要之工作。
Most damaged brick railway storehouses in the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake are located at three railway stations of Changhua county. There are 11 brick railway storehouses surveyed and 5 brick railway storehouses collapsed in the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. The major damage types of these brick railway storehouses can be categorized as (1) longitudinal walls were damaged more seriously, (2) out-plane damage type of walls are more obvious, (3) in-plane shear damages occurred on the edge of the longitudinal walls, (4) existing cracks in walls could change the damage type, (5) the storehouses with light roof were damaged less. However, except for the interval of buttress, other structural system factors are not obvious. Along with the trend of historical buildings rehabilitation issue, how to combine brick railway storehouses earthquake disaster experiences with lesson learned in the Chi-Chi earthquake, and transform them for better renovation and rehabilitation design in the future, is a very important job.
起訖頁 57-72
關鍵詞 磚造鐵道倉庫磚牆震害面外方向地震力Brick Railway StorehouseBrick WallEarthquake DamageOut-plane Earthquake Force
刊名 建築學報  
期數 200401 (49期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 九二一震災重建國小普通教室儲物設備使用性之研究--以教師之使用後意見為例




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