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Quality Promotion of Leisure Experiences-from Speedy Consumption to Slow Living
作者 李明宗
休閒參與之目的是為了追求高品質的休閒體驗,進而獲致正面的休閒效益。 然而生活於此「全球化」的世界,非常多的人其休閒狀態是快速的、虛假的、無 意義的,人們在觀光或休閒時仍然受到「工作典範」所宰制,還不停地在追求效 率高、數量多、狂熱消費、一心數用等特質。以這樣的既急迫又心不在焉的情緒 從事「休閒」(leisure),反而淪落為折騰身心或虛耗時間的「反休閒」(anti-leisure)。 為舒解此身、心、靈陷於疏離的困局,或許「慢活運動」(Slow Movement)可做 為休閒的替選方式。問題的重點在於如何將「休閒」與「慢活」的精神融入「庶 民休閒」與「大眾觀光」中,進而提昇其「體驗」的品質。此外,源於東方佛學 的「正念」(Mindfulness),近年來在西方學界與實踐領域廣受重視,對協助現代 人適應壓力、焦慮、憂鬱、痛苦、與疾病等極有助益。倘若我們能對問題先有明 確的覺知,至少能引發我們願意戮力實踐的動機,而這也將是我們生活方式「典 範轉移」的契機。
The goal of leisure participation is for perusing high quality leisure experiences, so as to attain positive leisure benefits. However, living in the “globalized” world, too many people’s leisure condition of is speedy, false, or meaningless. The sphere of Tourism and Leisure had been dominated by the “paradigm of work”; people incessantly seek high efficiency, large quantity, frantic consumption, and time deepening, etc. The hurried and absent-minded “leisure” has actually changed to torturous and time-wasting “anti-leisure”. For solving the dilemma of body, mind, spirit alienation, probably the “Slow Movement” is an alternative leisure style. It is significant to instill the essence of “leisure” and “Slow Movement” into popular leisure and mass tourism, and promote the quality of leisure experiences. Besides, in recent years, the Oriental Buddhism concept “Mindfulness” was widely spread in Western academic and practical field, that is very helpful in dealing with modern people’s stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and disease. If only we can aware of the problems, then we may motivate to act and practice, hopefully, that could be the “paradigm shift” of our lifestyle.
起訖頁 032-043
關鍵詞 休閒體驗休閒反休閒慢活運動正念leisure experiencesleisureanti-leisureSlow MovementMindfulness
刊名 休閒研究  
期數 201601 (6:2期)
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心
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