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A New Alternative of Penghu’s Winter Tourism:A Study of the International Healthcare-Tourism
作者 王俊人余宗珮吳武明
澎湖具有無污染的海灘美景,又具有相當足夠的人口,足以支持國際 觀光旅遊所需經濟活動與生活機能,非常適合發展國際觀光。然而,澎湖 至今之所以未能發展成為國際知名觀光度假島嶼,主要乃因冬季遭受強烈 的東北季風吹襲,導致海灘不再具有觀光吸引力,海面上強烈的風浪也讓 觀光船停駛。觀光客不再來,依賴觀光業維生的澎湖一進入秋冬即百業蕭 條,航空公司不但減班,還在氣流不穩定的冬天以螺旋槳小飛機營運,更 令觀光客冬天卻步,旅遊業難以永續經營。本文探討國際醫療觀光作為澎 湖秋冬替代觀光遊憩活動的可行性,以醫療照護與文化觀光吸引歐美溫帶、 寒帶國家難忍受寒冬的銀髮族到相對溫暖的澎湖過冬。
Penghu has unpolluted beautiful beaches, with sufficient population to support the economic activities and living support of international tourism, therefore is very suited for the development of international tourism. However, Penghu has not been developed as an internationally famous tourist island, because of its strong northeast monsoon which makes the beach no longer attractive during the winter. In addition, boat tours were suspended due to the rough sea in the winter. Without tourists in the winter, not only the business of the island suffers, but also the airlines cut their flights, while operating uncomfortable small propeller aircrafts during the unstable airflow in winter, which deterred tourists even more and makes sustainable development all year long impossible. This paper explores the feasibility of international healthcare tourism as an alternative to Penghu winter tourism and recreation activities: attracting European and American seniors who often migrate to relatively warmer regions during the unbearable harsh winter, by healthcare and cultural attractions.
起訖頁 032-049
關鍵詞 澎湖冬季觀光醫療觀光國際觀光候鳥式旅遊PenghuWinter TourismHealthcare TourismInternational TourismMigrant Tourism
刊名 休閒研究  
期數 201512 (5:4期)
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心
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