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Research on the Dynamic Standard of Building Energy Conservation Code for Huge Space Buildings
作者 王仁俊張翊峰黃潮岳林秋樺
大型空間類建築物納入建築節能法規評估體系已逾3年,其包含之建築物種類為現行節能法規六大類別中最多者,且為提升居民生活品質,大型空間類建築個案無論公私部門,近年來均有增加的趨勢,而大型空間類建築外殼設計AWSG(Average Window Solar Gain)現行基準乃依照建築立面開窗率而採「階梯性」的基準設計,由於基準寬鬆、漏洞過多、高低級距基準不公,無法掌握節能成效,近年來頗受評議。本文以動態基準的觀點出發,以創設之迴歸公式作為AWSG動態基準,在不增加建築從業人員工作量的前提下,確實地將基準「動態化」,徹底消彌原階梯基準的漏洞,並且賦予高低級距更合理的基準規範,同時能適切掌握大型空間建築窗而日射取得量,而該適用北中南各氣候區之三組共六條迴歸公式之重相關係數,最低者亦達0.94以上,證實其為可行之解決方案。再者,動態基準對於建築立面設計抵擋日射能力較佳者,在計算AWSG動態基準值將產生高估(即優待)的效應,即對於節能設計較優的建築物將有實質的鼓勵效果,反之對於節能設計較差的建築物,基準及格門檻將適度提升,亦即對於建築節能成效自動產生「優者更優,劣者更劣」的加乘效果。日後本動態基準如獲建築節能法令研修時採納,相信必能增進大型空間類建築物之節能設計成效。
The Huge Space Buildings were involved in Building Energy Conservation Code for 3 years. But the code standard was designed as several different grades. It leaded to a lot of contention cause of its unfair standard system recently. This paper intends to establish a multi-regression dynamic standard to solve the question above-mentioned. On the basis of not increasing calculating work, the regression formulas provide more reasonable and sensible dynamic standard. Regarding the accuracy analysis, the lowest R2 value of the 6 regression formula is as high as 0.94. Furthermore, the dynamic standard overestimated the AWSG values of the huge space buildings which have better solar radiation blocking design in facades; while underestimates on the contrary it is. That means the dynamic standard benefits the buildings which have better energy-saving elevation design. if the dynamic standard is adopted by the code establishing authority concerned, the effect on building energy conservation will be surely enhanced.
起訖頁 358-370
關鍵詞 大型空間類建築AWSG建築節能法規Huge Space BuildingsAWSGEnergy Conservation Code of Buildings
刊名 嘉南學報:科技類  
期數 200812 (34期)
出版單位 嘉南藥理大學
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地區水泥業CO2排放變動效果因素分析——投入產出結構分析法之應用
該期刊-下一篇 從財報觀點析論臺灣鐵路之經營策略




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