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Study on Prescriptions of Adding Waste Glass to Controlled Low Strength Materials Concrete (CLSM)
作者 劉玉文黃陳佑
工業無毒之廢玻璃是一種可完全再生及再利用的材質,台灣每年約產生50~60萬噸的廢玻璃,這些廢玻璃若能有效加以回收再利用,則對環境保護與資源運用之效率皆有極大的幫助,基於環境保護的考量,廢玻璃的回收應用已經成為永續環保必行之趨勢。本研究以LCD製程之無毒廢玻璃取代不同比例之細骨材,進行可控制性低強度混凝土(Controlled Low Strength Materials Concrete, CLSM)之配比設計製作圓柱試體抗壓強度試驗及坍流度試驗,經分析比較找出廢玻璃摻入於CLSM的適當配比供工程界使用。研究結果顯示廢玻璃之取代率愈大,則工作性愈差,強度愈強;當廢玻璃取代率在25~40%時,對設計強度為f'c=45 Kg/平方公分之CLSM有較佳之適用性,即試體抗壓強度較接近原配比設計強度且坍流度亦符合24.0±1.0 cm,該配比設計已被實際應用於管線埋設回填工程。
The nonpoisonous waste glass of industry is a kind of material that can be totally regenerated and utilized again. Taiwan produces nearly 5000~6000 thousand tons of waste glass every year. If the waste glass can be recycled, it will be more environment-friendly and raise the efficacy of resource. On the basis of environmental protection, the recovery of waste glass has become the current trend. Controlled low strength materials concrete (CLSM), mainly regard as the substitutability material needing backfill to tamp, is a self-compacted and highly flowable material. In this paper, we replace aggregates for cement and evaluate the adequate percentage of waste glass in CLSM. In addition, we design different compressive strength (40, 45, and 60 Kg/cm^2) to made six concrete specimens for each prescription. The compressive strength tests and slump-fluidity tests are performed of all results to get the stress-strain curves. The results show that different glued materials have different influences on compressive strength. Moreover, the higher ratio waste glass replace fine aggregates, the lower the slump will be and the greater the compress strength will be. The most optimal replacing ratio ranges from 25-40% and applied in tube engineering.
起訖頁 295-305
關鍵詞 廢玻璃可控制性低強度混凝土抗壓強度試驗坍流度試驗膠結料waste glasscontrolled low strength material concrete CLSMcompressive strength testslump-fluidity testglued material
刊名 嘉南學報:科技類  
期數 200812 (34期)
出版單位 嘉南藥理大學
該期刊-上一篇 以二氧化氯改善衛生保健中心空氣品質
該期刊-下一篇 墜落災害防止職前教育訓練數位教材開發之探討




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