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Design and Implementation of Laboratory Information Management System: Take an Example for Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung County Government
作者 張翊峰李得元王義輝黃文惠張家鳳李沛鈴
環境檢測在環境保護體系中是屬於基礎工程,係以問題導向為主之工作,亦即以協助解決各項環境問題為其立足點,舉凡各項環境保護政策規劃擬訂及計畫執行,如環境法規訂定、環境品質監測、環境影響評估、環境稽查取締、污染改善評估、公害糾紛鑑定等等課題,均有賴於客觀超然、精確可靠且具公信力的環境檢驗結果為依據 。目前行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)規定環境檢驗業務功能主要為管理公民營檢驗測定機構、監督管理地方環保機關檢驗室、環境檢測技術開發、訂定環境檢測標準方法、環保署委託計畫檢測數據品質查核、支援環保署專案或法規檢測、環境中微量毒性物質檢測等,所以直轄市、各縣(市)主管機關也都設有技術室或檢驗課負責空氣、水質、廢棄物、毒性物質、土壤等環境檢測工作,在檢驗測定機構所有部門中以實驗室角色最為重要,因為主要檢驗工作皆在此進行,所有檢測資料自取得、統計管理、製表等各項步驟均需非常審慎,稍有疏漏將可能造成數據無效或流失,甚至引起事後誤判,為了減少人為錯誤發生,簡化環境檢驗作業、落實檢測數據品保品管制度 ,可藉由實驗室資訊管理系統之協助,將繁雜冗長的數據處理交由電腦執行,將檢驗作業流程電腦化除了可增加數據準確性外,並能更加提升檢驗過程中各步驟之QA/QC工作,縮短統計驗算作業時間及減少人工成本,以提高檢驗效率,讓檢驗數據更具公信力。
Environmental testing belongs to basic engineering in the environment protection system. The essence of environmental testing is problem-based. It can handle the serious environmental problems, including enforcing and redacting the policy of environmental protection. (e.g. establishment of the Environmental Law, environment quality monitoring, environment impact assessment, censorship of the Environment Law, environment improve assessment, and identification of Public nuisance disputes, etc.) These all depend on objective, exactness and justice of environmental testing. At presently, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) stipulates that the function of environmental testing is to manage public or private testing organization, supervise the environmental analysis departments of various local county and city governments, establish the testing methods for environmental testing technique and standard, check on data quality for EPA's commissioned project, support EPA's case or Environmental Law, and analyze trace toxic material, etc. Therefore, all government organizations have Technique Support Sections or Laboratory Offices to analyze air, water, waste, toxic material and soil information, which play an important role in the environmental analysis departments. Because all the testing works be done in the laboratories, we can by Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to avoid mistakes, simplify environmental testing work, and practice quality control systems. The LIMS use computer to dispose of diffusion data. It not only can raise the accuracy of the date but also the laboratory's quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program, shorten work time and reduce personnel expense to increased testing efficiency so that the testing data possess justice force.
起訖頁 111-122
關鍵詞 實驗室實驗室資訊管理系統LIMS環境檢驗LaboratoryLaboratory Information Management System LIMSEnvironmental Testing
刊名 嘉南學報:科技類  
期數 200612 (32期)
出版單位 嘉南藥理大學
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地區溫泉旅遊之生態承載量分析——以關子嶺風景區為例
該期刊-下一篇 以Cell Counting Kit-8分析秋夜盜蛾Sf9細胞株活性之研究




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