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Disclosure of Adolescent Abuse Event: From Childhood Till Adolescent
作者 龔家琳趙善如
本研究目的是探究阻礙與促使受虐少年向正式兒少保護服務系統揭露受虐事件之原因,透過深入訪談,訪問5 位從兒童時期持續受虐到少年階段的受虐者。研究結果發現,阻礙受訪者揭露的原因是,過去與服務系統接觸的負面經驗、對揭露後果有所擔憂、認為只要忍耐就可以解決問題、缺乏明顯的傷痕證據、身邊成人宿命論的規勸。直到他們的危險評估能力提升、自我保護意識強化、對兒少保護服務系統有較多的瞭解與相信,以及有來自社會支持的作用力,方使他們願意揭露自己的受虐事實。因此,本研究建議,在兒少保護服務系統方面,應強化兒少保護通報系統工作人員對於受虐兒童少年求助行為的瞭解與敏感度;謹慎調查受虐事實,且關注兒童少年的安全保障服務;繼續強化學校系統對兒少保護服務系統的認識。在少年本身方面,要鼓勵他們面對逆境不能自我放棄、應強化自我內在之正向保護因子,以及建立屬於自己的社會支持網絡。
The present study was aimed to investigate causes that hinder or promote the battered adolescents’ disclosure the abuse to formal child and juvenile protective service system. In-depth interviews were done with five subjects who constantly suffered abuse from childhood till adolescent. Findings of this study show that factors preventing interviewees from disclosing the abuse include previous negative experience of contacting the service system, worry about consequences after disclosure, belief in “solving problem through endurance”, lack of obvious evidence of scar, and surrounding adults’ advice of fatalism. However, they are willing to re-disclose their actual experience of being battered once they have enhanced ability of evaluating risk, strengthened consciousness of self-protection, better knowledge of and belief in child and juvenile protective service system, as well as social support. Therefore, as suggested by this study, with respect to child and juvenile protective service system, it’s necessary to reinforce staffs’ understanding of and sensitivity to abused children and adolescents’ help-seeking behaviors, prudently investigate truth of the abuse, focus on safety guarantee services for children and adolescents, and continuously enhance the school system’s awareness of child and juvenile protective service system. In terms of adolescents’, it’s necessary to encourage them to be motivated in adverse situation, strengthen internal positive protective factors and establish a social support network of their own.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 少年虐待揭露adolescentsabusedisclosure
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201606 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-下一篇 社會福利界的游牧民族?非營利組織承接臺北市社區照顧關懷據點之選擇性策略




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