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Why the Manchus Were Unsophisticated: A Conceptual Inquiry
作者 蔡名哲
"The unsophisticated quality" was often seen as the basic Manchu character by Manchu emperors after their conquest of China. These emperors worried that the Manchus were losing this basic quality, and made efforts to maintain it. In academia, the Sinicization School regards the loss of Manchuness as proof of sinicization, and the New Qing History or the Altaic School regards the emperors’ efforts as an assertion of ethnic sovereignty. This article compares the discourses of the Manchu emperors in the postconquest period with the Manchu archives in the preconquest period, and finds differences between the two periods. These emperors and some Manchus adopted the non-Manchu schema to commemorate their ancestors. To resist the "cultivated quality" (wen) of the Han, the Manchus adopted the paradigm of "unsophisticatation." It would be more meaningful to understand this social context from a perspective of comparative history than by a simple comparison of phenomena.
起訖頁 213-256
關鍵詞 新清史滿洲性淳樸混雜性文明化面具New Qing HistoryManchunessUnsophisticatedPristine and RusticGulu NomhonSinicizationCivilized Mask
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201512 (49期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 明代昭化寺創建沿革考:以〈勑賜昭化寺碑〉為中心
該期刊-下一篇 日治初期臺灣土地關係的整理及其影響,1895~1905




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