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A Study of the Transportation Policy of the Railway Department of the Taiwan Governor-General's Office under the Wartime Regime (1937-1945)
作者 蔡龍保
In the period 1937-1945, the Railway Department of the Taiwan Governor-General's Office employed measures in response to the expansion of war for the needs of both of Japanese empire and the Taiwan Governor-General's Office. Industrialization, the expansion of production, and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere were important national policies in this period. The maintenance of transportation was one of the most important pre-conditions for all three policies. The Investigation Committee on Tropical Industry, the Ten-Year Plan for Taiwan, and the Provisional Conference on Taiwan's Economy emphasized the improvement of facilities and the increase of transportation capacity as important railway policies, especially for cargo transportation. By implementing the Order on Land Transportation and by establishing the Headquarters of Economic Mobilization, the Taiwan Governor-General's Office constructed a control system of land transportation centering on the Railway Department, skillfully adjusted the policies on passenger and cargo transportation during the difficulties of wartime, and built a transportation network inside and outside Taiwan to survive the war. Although all kinds of transportation policies successfully demonstrated their functions, they also showed their limitations and eventually were unable to reverse the course of history.
起訖頁 197-242
關鍵詞 鐵道部運輸政策生產力擴充工業化大東亞共榮圈Railway DepartmentTransportation PolicyExpansion of ProductionIndustrializationGreater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201506 (48期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 「應否授予婦女選舉權?」:法國國會兩院立場的衝突(1914~1940)
該期刊-下一篇 錢先生論《論語》為學次序及其「歷史心與文化心」初探




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