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Ritual Spaces of Foreign Guests in the Tang and Northern Song Dynasties
作者 朱溢
This paper aims to provide a better understanding of the formulation and practices of the Rituals for Foreign Guests (Bin Li) in the Tang and Northern Song Dynasties from the perspective of ritual spaces. The ritual spaces of foreign guests were greatly influenced by the everyday monarchical politics and the international situation. In the latter part of the Tang Dynasty, imperial audience rituals were conducted in the inner basilicas, while the foreign guests had to salute in the formal basilica where the emperor was absent. In the Five Dynasties, numerous imperial audience rituals were performed in the formal basilica. During the Northern Song Dynasties, imperial audience rituals were exclusively held in the inner basilicas again. The movements of the ritual space of imperial audiences all reflect the close relationship between spatial arrangement of rituals and everyday monarchical politics. On the other hand, the difference between the Rituals for Foreign Guests in Tang and Northern Song China was influenced by the totally different situation surrounding the country. The Rituals for Foreign Guests in the Tang Dynasty were divided into two parts, one for sovereigns and the other for tributary envoys. The gaps in ritual standards mainly lied between the sovereigns and envoys, not among the different neighboring regimes, which could be testified by the ritual procedure and ritual space. With the radical change in foreign relations, especially after the Treaty of Chanyuan, the strength of the outlying regimes was expressed in the Rituals for Foreign Guests. Under the Northern Song, the rituals for envoys were drafted according to the different foreign states. In particular, the rituals for Khitan envoys were much more ceremonious than those for tributary envoys from other countries. The gaps in ritual standards of foreign envoys were therefore reflected in the ritual space.
起訖頁 195-241
關鍵詞 北宋賓禮禮儀空間朝見禮儀Tang DynastyNorthern Song DynastyRituals for Foreign GuestsRitual SpaceImperial Audience Ritual
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201412 (47期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 產權、治理結構:近代中國企業制度的歷史走向
該期刊-下一篇 金代的官員遷轉路徑--以格法為中心的觀察




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