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The Study of the Monopoly System of Tea by Water-powered Mills (Shui Mo Cha Fa) in the Northern Song Dynasty
作者 粘振和
"Qing Sian", the project that dredged the Luo River into the Sian Canal during the reign of Emperor Shenzong, was a great success. Catering to Emperor Shenzong's interests in obtaining wealth and profits, the project courtier, Song Yongchen, increased the benefits resulting from "Qing Sian" and founded a number of government-owned enterprises. Among them the water-powered tea mills utilizing the water of Sian Canal were the most profitable and influential businesses. The system of this government-owned management was commonly known as the "Shui Mo Cha Fa". In the beginning, it was implemented in the capital and then introduced to Kai Feng; however, it has not been paid much attention by the academia. This study points out that the promotion duration for the tea by water-powered mills during the Yuanfeng period was not long, but the effects were clearly seen. The courtiers of the Yuanyou questioned the government that they should not grab the benefits of people, that the profits were unable to make ends meet and suggested that it should be abolished. The new party who governed the empire took the "Yuanyou Political Transition" as an excuse and tried to expand the marketing of the tea by water-powered mills. In particular, Cai Jing, who was in charge of governance, strengthened the theory of "Feng Heng Yu Da ( a great period of grand prosperity ) ". He toyed to Emperor Huizong and pressed for adjustments to the "SImi Mo Cha Fa" in order to gain the biggest profit. As a result, the annual revenue was increased rapidly from 200,000 guans to more than 4 million guans.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 宋神宗水磨末茶榷茶蔡京清汴Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynastytea produce by water-powered millstaxation and monopoly of teaCai JingQing Bian
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201412 (47期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-下一篇 晚明《鉛書》修撰及其礦冶開發史料探析




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