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The Review and Prospect of Taiwan Business History Studies in 2009
作者 林玉茹
The main stream of Taiwan economic history studies still is business history studies in 2009. This paper divided three parts includes the first-level industry, second-level industry as well as third-level industry in order to discuss the topics and characteristics of Taiwan business history studies depending on its industrial structure. Obviously, the business history studies stressed on the first-level industry, but the third-level industry research is less and need to explore more. The business history studies of 2009 focused on postwar and long time period; also discovered lots of new topics. Agriculture studies except for rice and sugar industry, fruit industry, castor-oil plant industry as well as fragrant flower industry have defining clearly. The academic study of animal husbandry history appeared the first time. As to industry history, shipwreck salvages industry is the new subject; engineering industry and IC industry were continuous research and conducted dialogue with previous research. On the other hand, from technical transformation angle to discuss the development of business were so popular, such as cultivated variety of rice, the long run transition and opium production. Especially, the continuous or break of Taiwan agriculture, industry and mining between prewar and postwar or Japanese colonial period and ROC period were very important issues recently. In sum, the Taiwan business history studies in 2009 not only set up many new subjects but also have made a breakthrough. Then, it deepens and adds broadly the achievement of Taiwan business history. However, the stagnation of early periods and Qing dynasty history studies, the problem of historical resources utilization and students exercise still need to pay close attention.
起訖頁 237-262
關鍵詞 臺灣經濟史產業史一級產業二級產業三級產業Taiwan Economic HistoryBusiness Historythe first-Ievel Industrythe Second-level Industrythe Third-level Industry
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201112 (41期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 近百年梅州地區的道教:以呂帝廟為探討中心
該期刊-下一篇 書評:評介吳著《歷史的另一角落--檔案文獻與歷史研究》




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