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A Survey of the Household of Russian Middle Service Gentry in the 16(superscript th) and 17(superscript th) Centuries
作者 何萍
16、17世紀正當俄國開始穩固專制皇權(autocracy)的時代。在這個過程中,中間的服務紳士(middle service gentry, or pomechchik,以為國服務換取土地者)扮演了重要的角色:他們是穩定政權的軍事、政治與社會基礎。彼輩的穩定則建立在他們的家庭秩序與家庭經濟上。本文即擬透過流行於彼輩的《治家格言》(Domostroi)探討他們對於家庭秩序、家庭經濟的看法,並如何維持家庭秩序與如何經營家庭經濟。16、17世紀當西歐的家庭已遭國家組織、公民社會破壞與取代峙,俄國家庭(household)仍保留不少中古的特色,不只是一個道德、社會、政治單位,更是一個經濟單位。它不只是一個血緣單位,也是一個生產工作、消費與居住的單位。其目的在追求的是威權式(尤其是父權體系)、和諧的家庭秩序,以及確保財富、每日所需的自給自足式經濟(autarky)。俄國家庭的強大功能與力量雖有利專制皇權的發展,卻阻礙了該國的近代國家組織、公民社會和市場經濟的發展。最後,由於家庭經濟資源、緊縮,必須耗費服務紳士大部分的精力與心思,導致他們因太過注意家計、太過注意家庭利益,又太過仰賴政府的土地,而忽略了公共事務、公共利益,包括中央政治、中央利益的運作,終至無法成為節制專制皇權的一股勢力;俄國也因此喪失了轉型為近代國家組織的機會。然而,服務紳士致力穩定自身的家庭秩序與家計,卻也造成俄國社會的穩定、專制政權的穩定。
During the period of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, autocracy of Muscovite Russia was consolidated. In the process of her consolidation, the middle service gentry (pomechchik), who had provided service to the state in return of land, played a significant role. They functioned as military, political, and social foundations for the regime's stability. Nevertheless, household was the orderly and economic basis for the middle service gentry. This research attempts to discuss, through their popular book ”Domostroi,” their viewpoints concerning household, and how they maintained home order and home economy as well. While households had been disintegrated and replaced by the organizations of state as well as civil society during the period of the 16(superscript th)-17(superscript th) centuries in the west, Russian households preserved many characters of those of Middle Age. Russian households were not only biological and residential units, but also working and consumption units. The Households aimed to establish an authoritarian, patriarchal, and harmonious order. They also endeavored to secure wealth and daily needs. It meant that Russian households were a kind of self-sufficient autarky. While the dominant power of household had a contribution to promoting the Russian autocracy, it hindered the development of modem state, civil society and market economy in Russia. Owing to the relative scarcity of resources, the middle service gentry had to concentrate much concerns and time on the households. They depended too much on service land to develop individual stands. In a word, Russian middle service gentry were involved so much in their home welfare that they ignored public affairs, including those of the level of central government. It cost them a lot, since they could not put the autocracy under their restraint, as their compeers did in western states. Nevertheless, the efforts they made to prosper their household did contribute to stabilize the autocratic tsariate.
起訖頁 1-51
關鍵詞 俄國治家格言俄國家庭家庭經濟家計家庭經營前近代經濟俄國服務紳士服務土地中間服務紳士服務國家西爾維斯特伊凡四世恐怖伊凡DomostroiRussian householdhousehold managementhome economypre-modern economydvorianindeti boriarskiepomechchikpomest'iavotchinamiddle service gentryservice stateSil'vestrⅠvan Ⅳ
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201006 (38期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
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