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The Liao of the Wei-chin Southern and Northern Dynasties as Well as the Transformation of the Southwestern Aboriginal Society
作者 呂春盛
It is generally considered that the Liao was one of the main aboriginal ethnic groups in the territory of the Tong-chin Southern Dynasty. Nevertheless, according to the study, the Liao itself was not a specific ethnic group, but a general term for each of the southwestern aboriginal ethnic groups at that time. It was around during the period of the Shu-han sovereignty that the term Liao first appeared in the historical records, while it was during the period of the Cheng-han sovereignty that the Liao rose and moved into the Shu territory to broaden its power as well. Indeed, coming along with the aroused mutual interaction among the local ethnic groups, under the ruling of the Shu-han and Cheng-han sovereignties over the southwestern areas, a new ethnic situation and recognition appeared then. With the further development of the new ethnic relationship and recognition, the Liao's power was getting stronger and a variety of non-han ethnic groups in the southwestern districts were all within its domain. Before the rise of the Liao, each of the southwestern ethnic groups was generally termed the Pu people. Afterwards, with the Liao's rise, the Liao people, originally belonging to the Pu people, gradually replaced the Pu people to become the general term of the southwestern aboriginal ethnic groups accordingly.
起訖頁 51-79
關鍵詞 獠族濮人魏晉南北朝族群關係西南土著社會the Liaothe Pu peopleWei-chin Southern and Northern Dynastiesethnic relationshipthe southwestern aboriginal ethnic groups
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 200812 (35期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 文化交流的三個課題與明末清初中國版畫在日本的影響
該期刊-下一篇 羯族的流遷與生活方式--以後趙建國以前為中心




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